Thursday 11 September 2014

Why does bad attitude show ignorance?

Patience they say is a virtue, the wise dog eats the flesh and patently smacks on the bone.

In order to bring knowledge to this question it is difficult to be concise but I must never the less, inform those who seek knowledge! I answered the question by saying "you can't fill an already full cup" and left it at that, I don't think i would give justice to the "WHY" if how, where, when, who, and what is not covered! and that is the very definition of ignorance in practise "limited knowledge" and attitude limits knowledge development. Many ask me why am i not concise, for a simple reason that Life and the demand to survive requires that you be complex enough to protect yourself from those who pollute to loot. I don't compromise knowledge because it leads to destruction. If you believe you know it all then why bother even to communicate and those who know seldom exhibit attitude, they are glad to share!

I don't post wiki or Webster for definitions to pose as facts because I know that it is a limited treasure island with gold that needs to be discovered amidst layers of crap! Those who have practical experience at life always have an upper hand to book-smart or youth because they never give up, they may retreat but they come back with more force! Be wise not smart to have an edge!

Parents don't tell the truth to their kids because they don't know how to tell them that the world out there is still based on competition "survival of the fittest" after they had made them believe that the world is kind, just not to kill their own faith in life, yet they are scared to admit to themselves and you that their knowledge is limited only to what they have been thought and experienced!

You must be fit to succeed! recuperate after feeling like you have been bitten, this is principally the only advice i got from mine and would give to mine and others.

Lack of self knowledge, lack of knowledge of the other and lack of knowledge of the grounds you are on! All these 3 areas produce information errors mistakes that often could be fatal should someone take attitude as a sign of knowledge or confidence! The WHY forum will never achieve value if all answers are based on attitude alone! Be mindful of what you take to be facts!

If going by what is said in the art of war "that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle.

There are those who make deliberate mistakes to know who will take advantage of them! Why expose yourself to being labelled by others and make a decision on you, to rule you out before you even got to say hello? mistakes are not weaknesses because when made it automatically produces a varying amount of knowledge and information. Often left unprocessed stores up as guilt and many still carry the guilt of not being perfect, or wanting their own way still persist to making their point irrespective! If attitude is a way of hiding then why even expose yourself even to utter a word? Too much load I think that is!

To me I think the most important rule of wining is to want to, confidence with results attracts and if people want to belong isn't it better to belong to the best? A lot of people don't succeed because of bad attitude!

A lot of people reveal their weaknesses and their vulnerabilities by having an attitude, there are some who use emotions to trigger emotions in others and you fall victim by following their trail. There is no amount of IQ that can save you if you are reactive!

When you speaking to someone in an abrasive manner you shut down the person from opening up and by that have left yourself out from experiences. If experiences is what allows us grow why hinder your growth?

Everyone is looking for opportunities and there are those who are in your environment who are looking for those who are looking for opportunities! What I mean, if you don't put your best foot forward no matter where you are you are limiting yourself to options!

Potential partners, Employers, clients, suitors are watching and people make choices first based on like. If someone provokes a negative tone he or she receives a negative attraction! Why do that to one self? You may not need the world but why limit your choices?

Don't limit your choices isn't that what Capitalism 's is all about? The only time you feel taken advantage of is when someone has capitalised on your ignorance of self and them. Why not ask why someone asked or did first before you make a judgement? Do we think that those who ask questions don't have some sort of reason or answer of their own? Why do we think people who ask don't know anything?

People ruin their own opportunities by having the wrong set of attitudes about others and an over inflated self impression. Arrogance can be misconstrued for confidence and vice versa. Arrogance rubs you off your own luck. A lot of employers make the mistake to employ arrogant people assuming that that's a sign of confidence and knowledge. Colleagues vilify and then setup traps to rid themselves of competition by triggering anger and we all know that the mass minded always points a finger on what they see rather than what they know and what they know is often what has been presented. Confident but angry doesn't produce anything because anger is an unproductive emotion and you are the only one feeling it but the other still has a chance and choice not to receive it!

10 x 0 = 0 it doesn't matter what you know, it is how you present your knowledge if you care enough for yourself. Grammar? well that's to give your English teacher a smile but he still judges you by your content.

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