Monday 29 September 2014

Same name different looks!

An experiment was conducted on a One year old. There were 3 types of liquids; Milk, Water & Sprite. She threw away the milk got tired of it! She has it every day. Then she was given Water, in the process of drinking she saw the Sprite bottle and demanded for it. It didn’t sit well with her throat, she choked on the gas. Milk is a variable based on need, between these sources of hydration the child set priorities which doesn’t make either less or more preferable.
This is the same effects on brands. Understanding the visual taste of consumers is one thing, knowing the taste and establishing loyalty is another. You can't cater to all. Not everyone likes Coke and it’s not healthy for everyone and in excess but water is a necessity and keeps health (loyalty).

Let’s take for instance the COCA Cola Brand. People needed something order than water. Coca cola decided to create a drink that can satisfy the thirst. COCA Cola satisfies the individual thirst, supports social events and business events through creating entrepreneurs distributing their product as a reseller.

A brand is a strategy that  opens opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Coca-cola has made itself the most valuable brand in the world, with the name alone worth billions of dollars but why? It is Loyal; always the same but modernises its looks.
Looks is one of the many and most important aspects to anything. You are presenting to draw attention whether to yourself or your business. Honestly speaking any promotion is good promotion even Notoriety :) for those who can handle it. Circumstance dictates people choices and usefulness determines loyalty, boredom forces change. Its all about the need and habits of your market.

What do people need? Study the hierarchy of needs. Remember all needs are always individualistic. There are  sets of needs: personal, social and business needs. Needs "thirst" are the thriving force of human nature. If we don’t need we don’t ask as well as if we don’t know we don’t care.

There are  levels at which we communicate about needs: object, experience and concept. As we go up the levels of abstraction ideas increase, reality recedes.
  • At the 'object' level, we talk about tangible material things, many of which we can touch and pick up. The truth of an object is independent of people
  • At the experience level, we talk about the experiences we’ve had. This now has the abstraction of interpretation, however, it is still very real to us at least
When two people talk about common experiences they refer to the same object but may have different feelings and solutions about them. This is a common source of conversation; interest & conflicts, as we often expect others to have the same experiences as us, we try to make people into ourselves. At the conceptual level of communication, we talk about ideas and thoughts we have had. Concepts include our beliefs, values and schemas. Are there aliens?

Words are effectively concepts, in a way they are little packets of meanings by which we try to communicate. Concepts can be accepted or rejected, it is in how it was or is interpreted in the mind of the receiver. When you listen to experiences, receive it as a concept, evaluate it and put your own interpretation on it. When you communicate, what you say is conceptual. Wonder is the platform of ideas, abandonment to those wonders creates a map to follow. What you believe is what creates your reality; Explore, Create, Show! Whether you are conducting an interview, motivating or delivering a keynote address, your success is defined by your ability to persuade with clarity & passion.

Investors buy into the person first then into the concept. Why? Because at the end of the day everyone knows that the driver is the person at the wheel. If you don’t believe in something you can’t sell it, your confidence in your concept brings confidence within you and your clients, staff, partners, suppliers through relatable truths or facts presented.

A brand should develop a habit. What will lure them like addicts? Addiction through promotion, easy access and at the same time not to bore them. In order to grow a brand must change its face but not its taste. There is always more than one way to skin a cat, devise ways to implement something in a way that no one can.

We are all attracted to glam but after you find out that it is just that we loose interest, same it is with a business that has nothing to support its face value, it will be dumped. As said "not all that glitters is gold" hence the need to create/sustain brand quality, not just in visuals but its benefits. A solution at its startup phase is like a diamond in the rough but continuously filing it will give you that brand recognition and loyalty you need.

Imagine you were given a diamond stone in its rough state, you can't pretty much do anything with it, but put it on a shelf or sell it to the dealers but if you want to use it you file it out. This is why you need to test it to find the value. Build your brand on quality, efficiency and integrity, people are always loyal to what they trust.

The creator is the ultimate brander; he has made everyone & everything unique. Even to the smallest of molecules and the brands have their specific purpose. Life is about fulfilling a purpose. Don't be limited in mind, be liberated in your spirit. Everything or everyone has potential. You are amidst other brands. Be different be transforming. Stand out, not just in looks but in value and in a purpose driven life.

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