Thursday 11 September 2014


In order to achieve the basic needs of life such as feeding, shelter, clothing or finding your mate one needs to set self actualisation goals! This does not mean you know your strengths, this means you need to explore the world for weaknesses, applying critique to life and the living conditions that need improving!

Expressing one's creativity, a quest for spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of knowledge and the desire to give to society are examples of self-actualisation that i had and still seek to improve on in myself. Do you know what your environment needs? Would you give it a try to make it better? If everything was perfect we would be walking on this planet jobless "without purpose" and there would be no need for us being on this planet! The short comings that you have someone else has it, or even worse according to your standards/ambitions but remember you impose on yourself not on others your expectations, you need to do is provide a solution to the demands you place on others or help yourself achieve the goals you have set!

Every goal is a profession; Real estate, fashion even dating services! As you go down the lane "in pursuit of your happiness" you will find esteem through making things come true for others too! Business is a service and if you don't have the spirit to serve you will often find yourself frustrated with the job at hand! Esteem is found in serving others, as a large part of esteem/pride comes from assisting/helping others find a solution to their problems or needs! If you don't love mankind and nature it wouldn't open up to you to say "here help me" this doesn't mean that after helping you will get a grateful reply or returns!

You need to find a place which you wish to belong, this is the middle earth that not everyone seeks in the hierarchy., you will be questioned out of envy for aspiring to be what others can't or will not do, there are those who seek acknowledgement in one area or the other by keeping you in a state as they are.

Help someone find acknowledgement of their dreams should they ask/request for it and thats where the services of PR, Marketing, Sales, Care set their foundations, nature had created segregation in colour, size, as a starting point for people to visually connect to life but there are those who seek to keep their illusions this allows a window in the varying mentality "culture" hierarhy levels to maintain a social order but life has ho regard for the boundaries man had set or unwilling to evolve from! Big doesn't only go with big and black doesn't only go with white! Raising the bar higher than the low level mentality barriers has always been the quest of leaders for whatever reasons "human rights or economic progress" this are but a few reasons, everything is free but you must earn your liberty, the right to call something your own not to subject nor claim to have ownership of a soul(s). Belonging in its highest form is Respect "acknowledgement of one's strength" but never forget you are just as strong as the next rookie who is also aiming for his place to belong as well!

Our security levels are always questioned, some seek to protect their talents " intellectual worth/force" with physical force "Weapons", some learn over a period of time to be free of earthly bonds "spiritually" they understand that for one to get one needs to give, the more knowledge you give out the more returns to you! I believe one must empty its vessel to be filled again! Education transforms because new information "discovery of mysteries" happen through exchange of experiences and tools/techniques! Every experience needs to be captured as much as possible to understand what the weather is like  and pass on to the next generations to come "data capture and analysis" is what history is to me.

They say; "a hungry man is an angry man" both in mind and matter! We must strive to find a purpose not just in filling our bellies but minds as well! Aim higher than the carnal mind who tells you it isn't possible or why aim so high! life has you here because it has a lot of space needing to be filled! Let no man put asunder to what the universe put together, ask why and make your piece!

Life is greater than marriage or bearing kids or wars or diseases, it is what you aspire to that says who you are!

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