Thursday 11 September 2014

Who are you Africa?

Where are you Africa?

I have been given a topic to present "Investments in Africa and Africa as the New growth Frontier" by the end of May and 7minutes to present my case for a debate!

The task is for it is to be interesting and engaging, this doesn't seem to be a problem, I can go Kokumo in one second if someone triggers it but how is it possible to relay all the problems and its solution in 7 minutes and engage Africa to listen to itself? I need 7days :)! I ain't God that built the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th day!

I want to piss the audience off first! I mean just tear the picture of Africa right in front of them and create the moment to drive the message clear. That we have been torn apart and we continue to tear each other apart! What investor could possibly want to invest in a business that is divided internally, and doesn't want to invest in itself, want's someone to draw a picture and yet hopes to have it all because it thinks it owns the land!

1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2. the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
This is exactly what is on our minds about Africa, it is either you see that empty land or the cup is half full or half empty! It is our choice!

If God is life, then life demands that we rise to the occasion and push back the pitiful picture painted of us! We have a more enlightened generation that has heart and soul towards common good! We do know that we are just as rich and as poor as our next door neighbour! We know that the world is just as weak as the weakest link!

What is exactly the picture that surrounds Africa now? What are the problems, do we know? Do we know how to identify our problems? Do we investigate our lands? Do we investigate our inner self "the disposition we have towards life itself and living?", until Africa is able to separate itself from dogmas we will see no light!

“Let there be light,” and there was light. Which means if you say this is how you want it, it is how it will be!

We have to wish for light to get out of darkness! We have to identify what is right from what is good and what is wrong from what is bad and decide what should and shouldnt be! We have to push ourselves towards development of the heart, mind and soul for the body to be healthy! We have to call a spade a spade! We have to have principles by which we live; without principles we have nothing to aspire to socially! personally why die for nothing?

We have to realise that making devisions is not for someone to feel as an outcast but that everything has its purpose! We have to realise that our lands were created to be explored and we have to nourish it back to life! Our children live to inherit the earth we create today!

We have to accept that distinctions create opportunities, we can't be masters of all! We have to seek our strengths and invite strengths to make us stronger! We have to have the spirit of collaboration!

We have to educate our youth, employ their hands for their hearts to have esteem! We have to respect the young because they are going to affect how we will live when we are old!

We need to industrialise as a foundation for future opportunities and innovation platforms!
We have to diversify our investment platforms from the basic needs of man to have growth paths!
We have to have a culture of maintenance, not just to be consumers of resources!

We have to accept first and foremost that we have a diverse culture and beliefs and connect in our differences! Tribalism is a gift not for creating rifts!

We have to respect and protect women and children and the old, men need to realise they come from the womb and if they do respect their mothers that their wives are mothers too!

We have to understand that Human rights and animal rights are just as same and should we abuse it we will rip the returns there of!

We have to respect science for what it is and understand that manna has already been sent to earth and no more will be given than already is! Cultivate every resource possible and reproduce more and new!

We can only find peace globally when we find peace internally! You can not love your neighbour without loving yourself first! The world just like Africa belongs to every man and country barriers are just there to make a class distinction to those who have a standard to life! We have to respect the white, the black and the coloureds because that is what the world is made of "coloured" a rainbow of nations and that is the cradle of life that we have been identified with from the onset! We are struggling for centuries to keep our identity because we never defined it! Development of good principles and keeping account of principalities create a strong identity.

Who are you Africa?

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