Thursday 11 September 2014

What If this was possible!

If everyone knew their value it would be difficult for some to negotiate their price! 
The world of business "negotiation of resources " relays on exchange "weakness for strengths" and the profit depends on many not knowing who or what they are or have. 

If man believed he can do all time will define his sense of worth! We are at race with time and strengths/weakness comparisons is the very skill of negotiation! Times worth, is in energy "Push and Pressure"! Mans worth Is in the level of energy he projects! Energy is gotten through motivation and discovery of the world! If you don't want then you will not feel the need to aspire to greater heights! Self esteem is valued based on actualisation of potential!

Greed "Ambition/Purpose" is a good motivator and achievement is the measure of your strengths. If you can't help some at-least don't disturb them by saying it isn't possible or they are not worth it!

If time determines value, then your weaknesses will be strengths! Should you put a push on time and pressure on your weaknesses then you will bring opportunity closer!

I tell my students someone's weakness is another persons strength. Some see weaknesses were there are strengths and some see strengths as weaknesses when intimidated or find a thing useless to their needs!

I tell them to imagine themselves as "Jerry" so they know that the landlord put Tom to look after the cheese in his absence and they shouldn't get into the trap! The business world is very interesting, it tests your knowledge and you discover strengths! The truths and strengths you seek is in simply asking at first "What If this was possible, what should I do, and what could happen if I do" by asking others, then start building!

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