Sunday 28 September 2014

Employment competence!

What kind of person you are will determine where you will end up. So getting to know yourself is very important. A person with a primary theme of Security/Stability will seek secure and stable employment over what others consider a challenge and risk.

  • Technical/Functional competence: This kind of person likes being good at something & will work to become a guru "expert".  They use their skill to meet the challenge.
  • GM competence: They like problem-solving and dealing with other people. They thrive on responsibility. To be successful they also need emotional competence. 
  • Autonomy/Independence: These people have a primary need to work under their own rules and steam. They avoid standards and prefer to work alone.
  • Security-focused people seek stability and continuity as a primary factor of their lives. They avoid risks and are generally 'lifers' in their job.
  • Entrepreneurial Creativity: These folks like to invent things, be creative &, most of all, to run their own businesses. They differ from those who seek autonomy.
  • Service a cause: Service-oriented people are driven by how they can help other people more than using their talents. They may well work in NGO’s or in HR.
  • Pure Challenge driven seeks constant stimulation & difficult problems to tackle. They will change jobs when it gets boring, career can be very varied.
  • Lifestyle: look at the whole pattern of the job. It doesn’t so much balance work and life as integrate. it may even take long periods off work or traveling.

Values is a word that often gets confused with 'value' as in the value you get from buying. Values are, in fact powerful drivers of how we think and behave. Your career path is a process of discovery & implementation of your God given talents. Your career didn’t start from completing uni & certainly doesn’t end there. The brand Called you. Create a website for you. It extends your brand, & hopefully extends your reach to help someone else.

Understand Yourself as a Product. From the day you are born there were circumstances happening around you that formed the basics of your personality and your personality drives your choices.
Most people don't bother to introspect & find out their personality type & how it affects their decisions. Knowing your personality type discovers your perfect career.

There are types of personalities:  introvert, extrovert. You are never both but you may possess more of a particular kind. Take a test  available on
Extraverts & Introverts: extroverts are often: energetic, Talk more. While introverts: Have quiet energy, Listen more than talk, Think inside their heads. Most Africans choose a career because of money but later find themselves quitting for personal irreconcilable reasons. They become moody and in turn lack in performance.

What kind of information do you naturally notice & remember?

  • Sensors notice the facts, details, they tend be practical & literal, who trust past experience.
  • Intuitive are more interested in connections and relationships between facts as well as the meaning, or possibilities of the information.
  • How do you decide or come to conclusions? Thinkers make decisions based primarily on objective & impersonal criteria-what makes the most sense & what is logical.
  • Feelers make decisions primarily on their personal values & how they feel about the choices. Sensitive, empathetic & at constant search  harmony.
  • What kind of environment makes you the most comfortable? Judgers prefer a structured, ordered, & fairly predictable environment; to make decisions & settled.
  • Perceivers prefer to experience as much of the world as possible, so they like to keep their options open and are most comfortable adapting.

A self-assessment test for career choice helps individuals determine what types of jobs might best match their interests, strengths & weaknesses but not without a plan for execution.
A self-assessment is meant to merely guide the process of career selection and to help those considering changing careers, it can prove beneficial to job scouts.

.        Employment is about influencing your potential employer to choose you over others and influencing in action to retain you.
.        The employer is influenced first on a personal level by seeing you understanding him, on a business level understanding the product, and on a social level the market.
.        If I understand you, then I can be more accurate in my interactions with you. What does the business mean to the boss?
.        Find out how he thinks through the product he is bringing to the world and the sacrifices he has taken to get it out.
.        Every produce in the company has a value to its market. Find the value and communicate it.
.        Look at the business, is it a trade based business or is it producing. If it’s a tradebased business then market share is what is important.
.        If it is a produce based business then it is value and relationship development need.
.        A trade based business doesn’t produce it resells. Whether wholesale or retail. A wholesale looks for resellers. Retail looks for end users.
.        A production based biz need solutions in distribution, so if you are able on the interview day to show you know how they can distribute faster you will be in.
A production based business is about knowing what they can manufacture, for the trade based companies to sell.
.        A trade based business needs strategies on how to sell with minimal expenditures. And this is where creativity in reaching your market.
.        Understanding another person is perhaps the second most difficult thing to do (the most difficult thing is understanding yourself.
.        If you know yourself, it means you understand how you would react in circumstances.
.        People are driven by complex and deep motivations, that if you can understand you can support and shape.
.        They have limited capabilities and are shaped by past events in their lives - many of the early ones of which may have been, at the time, traumatic.
.        So your employer has to inform you why he chose to do the business he is doing. So the best way to be interviewed is to interview first.
.        On a social level a business needs to have information on the history of its industry and predict how things may turn.
.        Search for what values are all about. What people value, and what status in the society they are in. because that is where the clue to gaining market share.
.        Apprentice: Always spend as much time as possible trying to understand people such that you can explain their past actions and predict their likely future actions.
Demonstrating your understanding, when coupled with care and concern, is a powerful way of building trust.
.        Caring is appreciated when you show the understanding that 10 heads have more to say than one. And ten hands can do faster than what one hand can.
.        When talking with them, use the same language and models as them, so they can understand what you say in their own terms.
.        you have to understand the entrepreneurial mind. He is a mouse going after his cheese that has been put in a trap. Show how to get it out without getting caught.
.        to retain employment you have to show obedience from the perspective of respecting the effort, and learning the trade of the business.
.        If you have something to say or suggest, make a proposition. A proposition is a viewpoint that you will create and defend. You have to armed with facts.
.        First state the value of what is then state the problem it causes and then propose a solution.
.        Stating the value of what is in showing appreciation for what was built, by that not sounding like an ass who just likes to yab.
.        Stating what problem its causing means you have done some thinking and then presenting a solution means you have done some research.
.        Remember the entrepreneur is a rebel with a cause. He set his business to bring about an alternative solution that no one thought about.
Conformity is not a mindset that a boss has. But he also respects the rules of engagement. He is not emotional.
.        All you need to do is write a letter stating what needs to be said and leave it as that. There will be a chance that you will be called to make a statement.

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