Thursday 7 February 2013

Everything has a hot spot!

Everything has a hot spot. They mainly arise from this 3 points.

  • Do our people "do the right things" to make our business profitable?
  • Do we truly align our staff with the objectives of the business?
  • Do we manage our non-financial performance to improve our profit?
  • Do our people "do the right things" to make our business profitable?

I ask myself do people ever know how to identify what is the right thing to do? Is it possible in business or generally in life to know what is the right thing? It is amazing that it is only after you make a mistake and you get feedback that you realise what was supposed to be the right thing. Its at the point of your mistakes that you have advisors.

In my opinion do what you intended to do and manage the after effects. They say when in doubt don't act, well when i am in need to act i do, have no regrets and seldom listen to anyone who provided no advice prior; either waiting to see what would be the reaction because they themselves dont really know if it would work or not or clearly wicked waiting for my fall.

I have fallen many times but i have risen one time more often than i have fallen and those who watched and said nothing i have left them behind where they stood. So for me the right thing is always act regardless of if you cant see through the fog, are you waiting for it to clear? There are drivers behind that would catch up, just thread with care but thread through, there is a dead line to everything. When i have a writers block i write crap anyway and that releases my creatives pushing me to undo the mess. In my home i bring out everything from the shelf and reorganise because sometimes you could be walking in a seemingly clean house yet something is disturbing you. In business it is the same thing with me, i reshuffle everyone and everything. I am dissatisfied with being stagnant even if everything seems ok. I tell my staff "if you are afraid of change or making mistakes then stay home when i am ready i will call you back". Business or life isnt for the fearful or tiresome. For it to be called a business it has to be busy even if it isnt making the target amount, it needs dynamics. Faint hearts never won fair ladies. Watch the best football matches they often end with 1 or 2 goals, watch the fans during the match they are always on the edge, and see their distaste when one team lost 10:0, that is a bad game to the great teams.

Do we truly align our staff with the objectives of the business?
the basic objectives of a business are in the following, this is how a business is measured for performance according to my findings.

1. Do you have the right combination of Staff, Suppliers, Partners?
2. Are you fulfilling the Mission of your clients, and the Vision of your company parallel to each other?
3. Are you a preferred supplier of services in the market, are you creating new standards in your industry?
4. Have you established a credit/debit system that enables you to complete tasks in a needed timeframe?
5. Are you flexible enough to transition through market shifts?
6. Are you exploring new hights going to where others havnt?

To relate the above mentioned in a simple way to drive a basic understanding i would relate it to the questions i ask myself about life; What are the objectives of life? What makes you feel alive? Your dreams, your wishes, your needs, your wants.? Does it realy matter what others think of you? Its neither here nor there but it is secondary, to your dreams. People seem not to like people they cant relate to "ie understand" should they realy understand why you do what you do? unless they want too join in, you can explain later when you have the time.

Do we manage our non-financial performance to improve our profit?
`just as in Life business is evaluated by its value offering. What did it bring at the end of the day to the society since it is the society that it was meant to serve. Many presume that profit is measured in monetary terms thats financial not a service mission, if i were a bank i guess i will be measuring my performance in monetary terms to the company but of what profit is the organisation to its environment? Of what good was it? Of what good was your existence on this planet? Value is in depth, are you improving?

Hot pots: Identify the highest risk areas in the business that is likely to jeopardize the immediate future performance or service levels in the business and  you will see the value of your cost.

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