Monday 18 February 2013

What problems are we solving for Unemployment.

What problems are we solving for Unemployment???
Youth & Young 16 - 45

The current employment market in Africa does not support inexperienced in the business environment youth! This is because we are no longer in the industrial era, which provided the educational institutions with a specific task to train individuals for specific duties and skills.

No one is now taking in students with only technical skills. 2 additional skill set is required Management & Strategic thinking. We are now in the commercial era, and this means strategic mind-set! Critical thinking!

The current employer in the bid to sustain and grow the company can not afford even the minimal time to be spent on those with no experience. He is pressured by the return on investment, high demand on standards from his market. The public sector is doing all its best but the rate at which we are graduating youth into the job market leaves very little space for every one.

The business world is now very distant from the educational institutions, no bridge for feedback or collaborative projects. We have developed a program that supports graduates and undergraduates receiving practical experience in business. Employers are requesting assessment of capabilities prior to employment and this isn't possible given that entrepreneurial skills can't be theorised.

The skills that would best serve people in the 21st century employment arena are people who think abstractly, have conceptual abilities, can think critically, can analyze problems with their solutions, have research skills and can communicate effectively will be the most employable and have leadership in supporting and leading a business.

StartUpSity work practice development

Participants feedback

1. Goodness Lindsley Ncube. (Zimbabwean) Graduate Human resources.
There were ten students that were selected from the college and I being one of them really came as privilege. I did not know what to expect there but was grateful that I had been selected.

We were first introduced to the whole process that goes on before a brainstorming session. Then we got to the brainstorming process session which also showed us that working as a team is the starting point for a business. One important thing that we discovered was that in order for a business to start developing, one needs to partner up with people from different spheres and backgrounds, so that the ideas brought forward are not biased towards a certain group’s preferences but is a good and sound business plan.

The reason why most youth cannot start a business or get employed is sometimes due to the pre conceived idea that things always do not turn out the way you want them to. The starting point of a successful employee, one needs to first develop an understanding of the business as a whole regardless of their specialized field of expertise. One needs to develop a passion for that particular field at which they get employed in.

I learnt that a service plan needs to be developed before coming up with the business plan. These two are the founthetion to the success of a business because they give you a structure of how the business is going to operate. Giving us a total insight as to what resources are taken to consideration when one needs to get their business out there. Startupsity also equipped us with skills that one needs in order to make it out there. This experience was a real eye opener; I am wishing that more students get the same opportunity as the one we got. It really was an experience.

2. Dineo Rainers (South African) Graduate of Human Resources 
My experience with StartUpSity...!
Am Princess Rainers an H.R student in Boston college in Orange Grove campus Johannesburg, I was chosen to participate in an internship programme with StartUpSity, so I want to share all the magnificent experience with you.

Alsu Odemwingie the founder of StartUpSity & CEO, what an exceptional woman, working with her through this pilot incubator was very exciting, She introduced the programme to us as team members or group managers of the StartUpSity incubator, it was a bit overwhelming cause we were not sure of what her expectations were, she warmed us to the programme to be comfortable. We started brainstorming creative ideas how to implement strategies, all my fellow students were on point very creative, nothing was cliché', studying in Boston college I was able to utilize what they have taught me throughout my course on this programme..

Being part of the StartUpSity team now I have in extensive knowledge of office procedures, tolerance of different and complex situations n I have strong communicative  skills and able to tolerate stress

In addition to the FREE wheeling pleasures of spending 2 weeks in a entrepreneurial string of classes and testing experience I was able to improve my financial and editorial skills to step forward as a student who is studying human resources and more examine the employment industry

Between time spent in the office implementing strategies, ideas and outside meeting potential clients, real Estate agents, sales marketer, and the creative director I was able to learn on how to approach investors and understanding what business is about.

Fortunately, the work experience that I have gained through StartUpSity, I now fully understand the working world, what skills are needed as an Human Resource Practitioner and skills on being an entrepreneur.

3. Tumelo V. Mokoka (South African) Student Finance at Boston College.
The past week at StartUpSity has been really educational. The whole Idea of this program in my understanding was 2 actually promote the understanding of the corporate world and what is required to succeed in it.

I was given the opportunity to be in the employers shoes. When our coach/mentor presented the history of Startupsity and also the personal entrepreneurial experiences she went through while trying to get the business started, at that point I understood how much Startupsity meant to the Boss, I began to change my attitude towards business and how i viewed the position of the boss. Today I fully understand what it means for a business to have a service team, I fully understand how my unwillingness to take part in meetings and activities can affect the Service Operations of a company.

The importance of taking care of both our clients’ and colleagues is very much admired at Startupsity coaching practices. so in return I was able to give my full attention in meetings. By doing so, I quickly grew closer to the duties of the employer, and my team mates.

Startupsity values its client’s and customers who are part of Startupsity. I believe with such values Startupsity can orientate our clients and staff in believing in our morals, this way both parties (being customers and Startupsity service team) benefit from each other.

"In order 4 u 2 b served, 1 needs 2 serve 1st..." Quoted 4rm Alsu, CEO of Startupsity Global pty.

one of the skills I learnt was to be creative in all aspects of  Business Entrepreneurship, I learnt that many businesses fail to operate on the market because Entrepreneurs relay much on capital rather than encourage new ideas to get the business operating without capital. One of the good things bout Startupsity is that, it encourages students to be creative and also pushes students to be hardworking towards their work, and profession.

I have benefited a lot 4rm Startupsity and from my fellow team mates, I now know who am and where I am heading. One thing I'll always remember is that Dreams can only become a reality, if have Faith that I can do it...

4. Kelebogile Ruele "F" (South African) Graduate of IT

Got understanding from different aspects of employment.
Learnt that one shouldn't think around the gutter, not narrowing options on how to make money...
The experience also enhanced my knowledge not only in the IT section but also in each and every department that we have identified….Human resources, Marketing, I regard myself extremely fortunate to have been given this opportunity to be part of SUS, to help create employment...

This opportunity opened my eyes and made me aware that youth needs employment skills and not just technical theory

5. Collen Lepulana  (Video Interview) Graduate of Information Technology.

6. Mlungisi Mk Makhubu "M" (Swaziland) Graduate Graphics & Data Management 
through the Internship program that was offered to Boston City Campus & Business College in Johannesburg, myself and 9 other students were selected out of thousand hopefuls to be the first to participate in the entrepreneurial program.  what i had experienced covered the vast areas of business and especially team work. we were introduced into the Media world

7. Amen Nastasha "F' (Nigerian) Undergrad 
Since i met My mentor she has been really good to me and have touched and influence me positively, she had shown me how i can manage myself as an individual, how i should always try to stand for whats right and she had also enlightened on why i shoudnt be famous/rich before i can be able to help people, she guides me to learn about my weakness and convert them to strengths. she has helped me to realize how much i can do for myself and the society and how i could reach out to the yougsters like me. i am gradually believing in me! i am undergoing coaching on Media and Social communication. i look forward to my experience completion.

8. Lebogang Ngwenya "F" (South African) Graduate of Business Administration
My experience at Startupsity has been Mind Blowing. i was able to understand how the workplace is and what was required of me as a graduate of Business Administration. it has been a revelation to see how all the different views came together in team work. i saw a different view on how the outside world works and the expectations. this program showed us how theory becomes practice. It will be my wish that many students before graduation experience this. I feel i am ready to go into the corporate world and put my potential to good use.

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