Monday 18 February 2013

Why is change so hard to implement?

One day a Grand Zen Master saw a scorpion drowning and decided to retrieve it from the waters. The scorpion stung him fiercely. Feeling the pain, the master dropped the animal which again fell into the water drowning further. The master tried to pull the animal again, and it newly stung him again. A young disciple who was watching the Master approached him and said: "Excuse me, Master, but why you do insist pulling it out? Don’t you understand that whenever you try to pull it out of the waters it will sting you?”
The master replied: "The nature of the scorpion which is to sting, is not going to change my nature of helping.”

Then the teacher thought hard and tough, and using a leaf, he managed to take the scorpion out of the water and saved his life.
He then turned to his young disciple and said: "Do not change your nature if someone hurts you, just take precautions. Some will pursue happiness, others create it. Be concerned of your conscience alone and then of your reputation. Because your consciousness is what you are, and your reputation is what others think of you. When life presents you a thousand reasons to cry, show that you have a thousand reasons to smile."

Alain Kitsa Tsongo

Why is change so hard to implement? Because you cant force someone to abandon a hill for that mountain without building a bridge, they have to want the mountains after reaching their hill top,. Maybe you can lead the horse to water but only when you ride it hard then it will drink, there must be a thirst.

One dosnt have to help someone directly, half the time an indirect approach is more effective. You do owe yourself a level of protection when offering help, have no expectations when you present the offer. There are those who are happy to remain on the ground or some who just want to climb a hill. How many like to climb the everest? How many are that sporty about their lives?
This is why leaders are respected, they "the few" do what the many have told themselves they can't or had lost interest half way. In implementing change one needs to build a team of different generations with one voice that would pass the baton to each other. The hardest thing to accomplish is to develop that team, many are egomaniacs or lack vision of what a dream is. Discipline can be gotten through a stick but then thats not leadership any more and often has no continuum.

Do Africans want change or are they just talking?

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