Monday 18 February 2013

Culture is what you are and Tradition is what you believe in!

How easy is it to make one believe in something and long enough it now becomes a personal culture. Someone yesterday wanted me to believe that there is a system in Nigeria, i asked what is it, he couldn't define it and he became a ghost in my eyes. He wanted to create shadows in my mind. We are living today in the Africa that we have been made to believe in and everyday we live it affected by the traditions that have cultivated a negative reaction. You have been made to believe that there is corruption in Africa, so you automatically prepare your pocket rather than prepare to break it. Have you tried to break it? or you have just accepted it and when you make an offer because you see hesitation you automatically stretch your hand to give and then they take what they haven't laboured for. How many people actually possess facts or bold enough to say i did bribe someone. Show the receipt to what they hold to know in their hearts. Africa is corrupt alright but with ignorance and shadow makers who make you believe to hold you from making a step without them being a part of it. hmmm

Commuting: mass communication of words passed through opinions have shaped our lives and we now act it. There will come a time in your life when you will have to ask yourself, where were the facts to what you were made to believe. For all it could be life on earth could have started only 2000 years ago or even 100years ago, how sure are you that you are not living in someone else's dream? If it is and was beautiful we wouldn't fight it, if it was nasty we will be looking for a way out. When in doubt they say do not act, how about when you are not sure find out.

We have been made to believe what we hear, we have been made to believe in what we see but how many really know the taste, how many have touched. It is scary to build your life on opinions of others, it is dangerous to act on gossip. I only believe in what i can and what i have done, not what someone said, although it may motivate to try but often times it stops one from achieving self realisation. I never listen to when someone tells me NO and i ask why to every yes. I want facts not delusions of someones fear, its their truth not mine.

I left home at 18 was told that there are sharks out there, i seem to be fine. I was told that doing business is a risk, today i stand branded with success because i realised not doing something is even worse than risk. If you dont know WHO you are, WHER you are, WHAT you want to do, HOW you want to go about it in the moment, WHEN will be your enemy and that is a fact because time waits for no one. I was told so many things and i acted opposite to what i have been told and today i stand alive and healthy for one simple reason I DISTASTE FEAR and THOSE WHO WANT TO MAKE ME BELIEVE IN IT. When someone tells me something i dont distrust i check, curiosity dosnt not kill the cat, it is a smart animal because it lands on its feet anytime someone tries to land it on its back.

Tell me what you believe in and i will show you who you are. When i hear men who talk evil i think of them evil. When i see men who show me bright ideas, i think of them as light. Out of the abundance of the heart the mind speaketh and feet act. If you dont believe in yourself donot make others distrust themselves.

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