Saturday 26 January 2013

Feet Gloves!

I found this picture cos my little mademoiselle "daughter" who is forever up to stuff and turning the house upside-down came up to me with her pink princess gloves on her legs that should have been on her hands. I wanted to ask her "what was she thinking". As often as she does i remember her words "i want it that way" i asked myself why haven't i seen feet gloves, has anyone made it? I googled and did see this picture.

I ask myself constantly why do we as Nigerians or Africans at large accept old as norm and do nothing for change? Should we be waiting for the government to give us what to do? or is their job actually to create more problems so that we find solutions to our lives? In the process we shouldn't violate the right of others just cos we want ours to win. Why do we do this to ourselves as people? Why are we so un transformational? Why have we become our own prisons "pre reasoning" lol? If i need to invent a new word to describe or define what i see or think "Who is Webster" to tell me i have no right? Who said Mama Mia cant be done in Pidgin, is it so hard for new concepts to be comprehended? Is babalawo the only guy that rules?

What has happened to the human spirit that sees a bird and says i want to fly like it and invents a plane? Is the spirit of the inventor not in Africa? Why are we not transformational in business, in socials? Why do people seem to attribute one rule to be the law? Are you/we protecting others rights to the market or are we/you unable to see vantage points? Who said hand gloves arn't feet gloves? Who said you can only taste but not eat? Who said you can hold but not have? Have we misunderstood what gluttony and greed is? Would doing for others and keeping 10% for yourself not be considered a giver? Who said the only means for transportation for a rich man is a car? What about a bicycle or a motorbike? Who said only the wealthy or rich should aspire to greater highs? Why do we shut down peoples dreams? Are we threatened or are we doubtful of ourselves and project it on others? Are you sure you haven't been conditioned to think a certain way so you keep being the milked cow? Have you accepted others Victory as your defeat?

Every moment a kid dont spend time in the creative classes we have born another generation of Zombies. Every-time we tell our kids that football is only for riff raffs we have taken their ability to understand strategy and tactics. Every-time we tell kids that music dont pay we have ruled out their ability to understand the basic intuition to branding and social communication. Only those gifted in poetry can move mountains of hearts which is what is needed now to move Nigeria to its feet. We have inherited the past from our parents but the future still belongs to our kids.

Our society is now full of engineers and lawyers, a total bottle neck; where most legal graduates are writing 419 letters and engineers are used in banks to calculate numbers. What a waste of 6years in uni and another 6 years roaming the streets in pursuit of the false illusion their parents and government had given them. Lets be careful about what opinions we spread to our kids cos tomorrow we will have to eat our own words. Professions and industries today established were someones hobbies yesterday.

Seek not what great men have but what they pursued. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What profits a man to gain the world and loose his soul. He may have been 2000 years ago but his words are still need to be decoded and applied to our times.
There is nothing strategic in a parent or society making everyone look like everyone, thats sending their kids to slaughter. We are still living in a world where survival of the fittest rules. America may be a mad house but not for one who can fit himself as a puzzle and change something within it.

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