Monday 18 February 2013

Why do many workers earn less?

A question was asked “Why do many workers earn less salaries when their employers live a flamboyant life?”

There are a variety of reasons; first they are not capable of taking the decisions the employers made and make. There is no way that one would explain this and not sound arrogant but if you look at it from the perspective of the level of confidence it takes for the employer to set up you will understand why there is such difference.

One is character. Individuality; a fight in the face of where the average man submitted to fit a role type. Employers are rebels, they see a problem in the community or personal life of someone and they say what can I do to help bring a change to this life, they also took a level of risk to change their lives for their loved ones. How many people on a daily basis seek to reach out to another in need? To love your own isn't love try loving a stranger, try risking your livelihood for another. A lot of staff do not know the level of sacrifice it took for their now employers to be able to give.

Lets look at why I push so hard. My kid is Autistic, in the average world where he isn’t considered functional, I have to build a world for him so that I stop blaming God why he gave me him. Although he will be fine in the next 10/20 years, what is the guarantee that I will still be around? None but never the less I have to do something so when death catches me I have a level of joy that I tried. And when StartUpSity establishes a whole load of kids like him can have an opportunity too. I am a mum and there are many mums out there who cant get back into the work environment due to babysitting, and clearly there are self centred men who wouldn’t want their wives to work, how can they get jobs to keep the spirit up? Again I have structured a service line for that. How many students have the opportunity to build experience while they study at the same time and not become drug dealers, thugs and prostitutes given the fact that our universities have failed to give them the practise. All of this problems are solved Virtually, where there is a wall that connects the disabled world to the chauvinistic able world.

We have all pretty much set rules and boxes for everyone and left the rest behind in the crack called survival of the fittest. In the animal world the strong don’t leave the perceived weak behind, they do something and only when there is grieve danger they have no choice but to leave but in the human world I have seen that we make others weak with our hypocritical absolutes. What human is in danger now? Who is attacking us? Who do we need to protect ourselves against? Ourselves from ourselves, we sure are cannibals. It is sickening and scares the living Jesus out of me and many who notice this trait in humans.

I was told by someone that I should keep quiet that my kid has this issue because I may find who will judge me or not marry him because they would know his history. It saddened me but then knowing the hypocrisy of many people I know that if he is rich there will be many who would say it doesn'’t matter. Yeah we are living in this world and it is terrible. Its sad. While my bro was a struggling sports man the gals would say “My daddy told me not to follow a footballer, when he was getting married I saw blogs that were saying “why did he didnot marry from his own, why a white gal?”Oh yeah!!!

How many are selfless? how many would take their kids savings and risk it for a change and how many people would sacrifice their livelihood for others to have a piece of the pie?

Most successful entrepreneurs don’t have a life that the average man considers successful. We loose a spouse, our kids don’t see us most times, most times are broke because we invested hoping that the crop would yield returns. Most times we loose but if we persistent we make a big win. The only thing I see that may be an issue to comprehend in comparison to the employee is the perceived freedom we have but no one sees the cost at which it came and the lives we support directly or indirectly.

Maybe someone would say who begged us to choose that path, well I would say would they have the job that feeds them today and your family if we didn’t make that decision? We employers have to deal with constant attitudes, foundations of which is the employees lack of self-esteem (Social and personal status quo). If an employee feels bad that’s because he instinctively knows he or she hasn’t met their personal standards and job performance.

How many employees try to emulate the boss as an example? If we are being criticised behind our backs that’s because they often cant understand what it is to be us. Even if the employee knew what, would they still take the decision to be us and be the dart board?

How many employees would agree to not take a salary when the company hasn’t made money? How many actually perform ie stay more than 12 hours thinking about strategies while juggling kids and having to stand constant nagging by the spouse that they are not there for them? If you are a spouse of a business person open your own and connect. Complaints wouldn't buy you that nice house you want.

If the average man who works only 8 hrs has problems retaining a family in a unit how much more the employer who does that and at the same time his own family as well as needing to defend his image in the public who has demands constantly on ethics or management and conduct?!

The Devil does wear Prada and rightfully so.

A friend of mine said: “In a competitive business environment, employees are the only UNIQUE asset that companies possess but the employers need to be reminded of that fact, so they treat their employees better. That been said, I have seen employees living flamboyant lifestyle here while their employers are modest, for instance an employee driving a Mercedes and the employer driving a Honda to work lol”

i will add

How many employees show their uniqueness, how many project what they should of the company just like the employer, through the brand or personal conduct? If you are confident in your input and have measured it you will know the price to tag yourself with. If you bring kind you get kind, if you bring cash you get cash, lip service "sucking up" doesn’t pay bills.

There are 6 billion people in the world, how many large corporations are there to cover the ratio? Most employers are small scale businesses who can employ a minimum of 5 to 10 people, ask these employers what they go through when being compared to the big corporations and government salaries. When I was starting off at age 18 most people would put me down based on age, what possible do I know or have to offer, at 25 I had my first staff and today she is a board director with a shareholding of 19%, you will say oh how sweet of me many employers wouldn’t do so. Well she earned it through loyalty and taking home less than she bargained for, gave me time to pay off the outstanding through the months and she is still with me and helped managing staff who came after her just as she did. My confidence is the attitude my staff has shown me, without them I may survive but I wouldn’t be strong. They don’t treat my business like a play ground. How many employees do this? I do consider myself lucky, and I don’t live a flamboyant life style because they have humbled me.

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