Monday 18 February 2013

“I'm a good neurosurgeon.

“I'm a good neurosugeon. That's not a boast but a way of acknowledging the innate ability God has given to me. Beginning with determination and using my gifted hands, I went on for training and sharpening for my skills. ”
― Ben Carson, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson

"training and sharpening for my skills" this is what university is supposed to be about, a platform for practising your talent and releasing you when you become a professional "filed out diamonds", not a place to brainwashing individuals into being what they arnt by nature. You only become a true professional if your talent leads you in conjunction with information and practice.

Every body has talents but the universities have made it such that they have segregated your talents to what is relevant and what isn't, whats worse is they throw you out for providing them feedback. Did God not make man equal? What is equality? physically we are all endowed with similar body parts, the will however is determined by each individuals feel to be better than what they knew themselves to be but with that comes all the bias everyone in moments exhibits, is it about others or self? "Who"  or "What" is a system to go against what God has made? Do those who create systems even include Spirituality in their understanding of evolution or growth for people? Can all the 4 fingers function without the thumb? Cant a man without  hands paint a picture with his legs? Some parents just like the universities have stifled their kids talents because they want them to fit in. To be a lawyer is to have a talent that has been polished into a practicable skill and then transformed into a system of practice.

I know someone who was in my life, who was coerced into being an engineer, yet he had super skills in playing a base guitar and he did perform in a band and had his group album when he was young, what happened is his well meaning parents fought him stand still, he surrendered and with that his spirit went, he became mediocre in everything else in his life. Some people wonder sometimes where does my passion to write this way comes from, i see souls that are being murdered in people every day, both by parents and the society, thats what fuels me to fight it. I hate to see souls that are born being happy becoming depressive and in return are taking out their frustrations on others and i hurt when i see them surrender. although we all need to be in unity as people to survive but that doesn't permit anyone to murder a soul, you think murder is only in physical terms? check deeper. suicide? well we have alot of walking Ghosts in our society.
I went to wikki to see the definition of the Act of murder apart from the stipulated point in the 10 commandments while randomly stated in other verces: Some may commit suicide to escape bullying or prejudice. Are you bullying someone? Have you been bullied to accept? Are you prejudicial of or towards someone?

Doctor Alban was a Medical student (dentistry), he ably made more money singing than what he studied in school, besides who wouldn't want him to fix his teeth now, which fuelled more clients to his practice "IT's My Life" every youth i meet says what he sang in his song.

When reading this quote i saw a kid who knew what he was before he stepped into the university, hence he strategically placed himself to study how others did it, he didnt go learn what others did to define himself but to sharpen his gifts and in the process his strength lead to more innovation.

I have an issue with the current educational system that takes in kids based on grades rather than talent and lacks the platform for practice. University will channel your kid to a subject but they cant be thought what is built in by nature, universities are a place for nurturing what is already within an individual. Universities started by bringing talents of the few to a mass, if lecturers suck at their jobs thats because they never dug their hands dirty in what they preach.

Would you believe that i was a kid who hated to read? would you be surprised tomorrow to find out if i come out with distinction in Journalism or writing? This is my talent among the many i have discovered in myself.

You may not be able to go to Harvard or Oxford you may just be like me who went to a mushroom school, but i bought old books and read what my mates read in equipped rooms, yet it is my will that beats them hands down because i discovered my talents and added others vantage points to mine.

“Do what you have to do so that you can be what you want to be”
― Benjamin Carson, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Matthew 16:17 Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.

Use your talent, arm it with knowledge and you will be the best, will prevails above any thing.

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