Saturday 15 August 2015


Just as there are the seasons of nature, there are also seasons in business. The seasons are: starting, growing, expanding, each of this seasons have climates. It's very useful to view business from this stand point so that you can keep a simplistic view of what is taking place rather than getting bogged down in details.

Depending on what stage you are in you will experience different climates
If you are at the starting point you will experience the following:
You will be exploring yourself. Your dreams. This period is self growth. The best way to sustain your self is to be a freelancer "supplier, or contractor"
As usual we don't know what we are capable of neither do we know what is out there. Best bet not to make any rash commitments, freelance while you are in employment.

School is supposed to have developed an interest in a particular area but this is not always the case.

To find interest in something you should research on google what we call a " personal bucket list." that involves the following key words. Adventure, Career, Community, Creativity, Drama, Entertainment, Family, Finances, Friends / Friendships, Fun, Health, Hobbies, Home, Learning / Education, Literature, Love / Love Life, dating/Marriage, Music, Personal, Play /Recreation, Relationships, Spiritual Life, Sports, Time of Year celebrations, Travel.

Usually your, bucket list of interests guides you towards your dreams, as personal interests always influence what you notice or attract. The Law of attraction states what you think is what you attract, but the getting means reaching out.

Your personality affects your choices, your interests affect your direction.
So if you love adventure you are more likely to choose a job in an environment that involves risk, or travel. This is dictated by your personality for the large part. Find out what your personality is like by using Numerology, Astrological readings, personality quizzes its a general overview not an exact science when delivered/gotten from publications. All of this is not hard core but will help to outline keywords that attract you.

So what are the choices out there? First you need to desire what you like. Choices of jobs are broken down into what they call industries or interest groups. likely to find it structured in

Employment is the second step to exploring the opportunity. What it gives is that it allows you transitioning, as well as an insight to people management. While at this phase you need to help out in the HR, Finance, sales departments and make sure you succeed, not just that you would gain promotion and that means more money towards your dream but you will also gain those practical management skills needed for running your business in future.

Branching off into entrepreneurship doesn't need to become hard!
The pathways for finding your niche market, niche market finding is a combination of things. It involves you first doing any kind of job that comes your way as a freelancer, supplier or contractor! And more still within the same industry if you are lucky most of the time its being all over the world/place. Doing any thing will allow you to understand your personal strengths & weakness as well as the threats and opportunities around you. The discovery of your inner talent happens either immediate or a situation brings it out, try and will diversify yourself don't let your talent restrict you from acquiring additional skills and experience. Niching is in fact the process of finding the inner you! A place where you are showing who you are! Or creating something that represents you. A brand way of doing or seeing things. As people will always want to identify with a brand, indirectly they identify with you. This process involves a lot of counseling as the main focus is the person who is creating. Creating involves authenticity, not what do people like. People like what they see, what they hear so long as it comes from a source that they like, what they can touch of feel. What stimulates all the human seances.

Being a freelancer also helps to identify short, mid and long term partners or even more investors, sponsors as when starting a business to handle things alone is heard. During the freelance stage all investigations on certifications and licenses, trademarks, logos or marketing can be established, leaving you to more time when you lunch out into business.

Entrepreneurship at the beginning stage involves you knowing how to create an organized strategy of execution, because here you need to lern the principles of control and promotion. The management skills during employment helps to manage the incoming. If you can understand the principles of incoming and outgoing data capturing it would be easy to manage the network flow of resources internally and externally " ie purchasing, investment management"

Any one can cook, but only the fearless are truly great. Now ENTREPRENEURSHIP is about cooking up a dish everyone has seen but the taste is not the same. Simple complexities. A mix of internally produced creatives while fusing external creations that will attract an already existing market that may have a taste for new things. I.e creating a shopping mall out of a business. You can't just sell meet, you need to add vegetables, you might as well have a spice farm of supply you products and finally you could have a drive by buffet to reduce waste.

The spring of a growing business is already producing results. It could be an instant growth after 2 weeks in spring. The sort of plants that do this are herbs. Let's understand what herbs like businesses are there.

Businesses such as what falls under the physiological, safety on a carnal basis. Grocery shops, educational institutions, real estate, events, or worce the sex based " prostitution" :) unfortunately its a global personal need that the underworlds explore for many reasons! It is important at this stage to understand where your business falls under in the hierarhy of need, as well as knowing what business steps to take. Look at the hierarhy of needs to see where your business falls in.

In business this can be a great time, when hard work starts to pay off and early seeds sown begin to show promise. If you are new to business this can be the initial phase if your planning is right. For some the spring is a fleeting time lasting only long enough for the few seeds sown to germinate and give a quick crop. The farmer knows that you have to keep some of the crop for seeds to plant in the next season and if the weeds come up what method will you use to keep them at bay? Remember that weeds take over when no maintenance is done in the garden.

Weeds in a business can be many things, it can be staffing problems, people wanting payment for the seeds earlier than expected or those pesky customers who never seem to be happy!

How do you solve staffing problems’; at a startup phase you can't hire full time, so you hire temps, or freelancers, this way you utilise the use of collaborative information, technology tools. One such as CRM SOFTWARES OR Social biz networks. Having your temp staff handle projects with management tools.
Randomization tests , Statistics and Analysis, Process Mapping, The Six Sigma Handbo…Root Cause Analysis, The Essential Manage…Scatter Plots: Plain & …Pareto Charts: Plain & …

For clients they need a platform for seeing work progress or deliveries. As well as a place where they are mapping their minds with you that would help as a job scope even for you to go go back to if you need quality client management. They say give them what they want not what they need. Making a happy client means you get to know them first before you start the job. Usually not every if not most don't know what they want and there are indirect ways of giving them what they thought they didn't need. A business wants to feel safe. The word safe is very broad. Your grand ideas or solutions must provide a safety and control aspect for the client that which allows them not to come back or if they come back it's not to fix but to enhance. Also your services must also provide another angle, a sénce of belonging. Recognition!

For StartUps finance is a problem, one they don't know how to save, 2 they may borrow from family or friends that put pressure on them to achieve results even if they are not demanding back but the pressure is annoying, 3. There may be loans to repay but how wonderful if there is a network of partners willing to share the burden even if it were on a short, mid or long term basis but there are very few log term partnerships because personal interests separate their paths so it would be good if mergers and acquisition prospects to be explored. Would be good if we have various fund raising games, tournaments for them to generate some revenue.
December 14, 2011

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