Tuesday 2 June 2015

Some truths to ponder about.

Some truths to ponder about and bring out the facts for your self.

If people knew how to serve each other no one will have to be screwed in to serving each other. "Man" is messing with each others minds because man is selfish to himself.

Maybe everyone knows that the politicians are just advocates for corporations???

Easier and more productive is the people all leave employment and open their own businesses. Then they will speak to and about the people for the people by the people.

When you work on another mans land you are in form his slave but you dont have to be enslaved.

Get the Mom and Pop stores back into being a culture by making it more fashionable. Media and Promotional tools. people buy what they like, whats available and whats affordable.

The problem with the average Joe (please dont pick an offence on this expression) is that he is full of pride, even in his unique skill "trade" dosnt see the bigger picture.

The poor man is made to feel bad about his freedom, he is sold slavery as a way out to be free of the responsibility he fears to take, yet he is miserable in service to man and or humanity.

The cage that was built by the other poor men has made them rich but not wealthy, who came in to unity, in body, mind and soul and is reselling to himself. Money is just paper well crafted by crafts men, who saw that man dosnt want to lend his skill in kind for kind. Of course there is something like scarcity and demand, but it is still created artificially by withholding. Everything is available, man just needs to ask.

The myth of Henry Ford " he was once asked why did he invent the car he said "If I’d asked people what they wanted, they would have asked for a better horse" jobs are manufactured out of the problems of man and humanity.

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." Henry ford

If you are miserable serving the employer you will be miserable servicing the market, its just a different employer but same function, at least in business you do as you like, be as creative as you wish, even if you piss your market off they will still remember you. People who dont like to break the old mould wouldn't do well in this area. If one hates conformity yet feels safe in it, then sorry to say one is hypocritisizing lol (inventing my own words) who said i cant invent my own words and set my own definition with the components of the old, so long as i can prove it works.

I think kids should work but not in heavy labour, because they grow up to be lazy adults.

Often times those at home become lazy, think too much of themselves and foreigners take over.

Why do some people think they can't build their own forbidden apple? where there is greed there will be profit.

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