Sunday 16 August 2015

Added point of reference.

Creativity: people destroy what questions their beliefs. Sooner or later after generating lots of ideas you have to decide which to carry forward for further development. This is difficult as you may end up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Judgement also comes from others when you least desire it, along with all of their biases.

Beliefs/experiences are based on facts and everyone has their own, deal with everyone on an individual basis. Customisable solutions provide more acceptance but hardly makes big money.

Nature has no limits, we are still rediscovering new worlds, as nature changes new worlds emerge, your desires are natures ways of saying there is a new world waiting to be discovered. The mind is limited because the body/senses are weak! What stimulates? to every their own kick.

Art consists of limitations to physical applications in the tech world. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.’— G. K. Chesterton revised/added point of reference.

It doesn't matter what you do it's how you frame it that increases interest  as at first instance humans are visually stimulated. The principle of  “receptivity” needs to be explored deeply to find a variety of aesthetic tactics . Create contrast or complements.

When you are trying to accomplish something there can't be rules, because where there are rules there are obstacles! What are your tackle strategies?

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