Tuesday 22 January 2013

why do people believe that starting a business is hard?

I read somewhere i cant really remember it said "War used to be business, now business is war" and the tactics of warfare are relevant to explain what needs to be done to achieve order and success. My knowledge of business and its application are derived from the quotes of Sun Tzu.
dream" - what is most important

Using the rule mentioned in the art of war.
It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle.

"Know your self, the enemy, and the grounds of battle"

The survey ie feasibility "visibility" you need is evaluation of your knowledge, talent and skill first, which in reference all these 3 are the same thing but are varying tools viewed as different vantage points! Practiced talent becomes a skill or gives you a combination of skills and in practice it creates knowledge. You use knowledge to advocate for the brand and your organised skill to execute the job.
Usually people find who they are or what they can when they face a problem and solve it. talent they say is often found in adversity.

Taking that aside once you know who you are, you need to know what your enemy is ie you need to weigh the problem you see. What battles did you win? Record down how you won it. The battles you have faced are often the indicators of what is happening in the environment. You cant possibly be living in the same area with your neighbour and experience different things but how you both solve it is what makes the difference. Feasibility is about comparing strengths and weaknesses to see what opportunities and threats there are (SWOT). The difference in the SWOT is what your loopholes of opportunities are.

If you see someone battling with something invent a new way of approach and thats what you sell if you want to or give it out. This is actually what i think should be protected. In recording the difficulties and looking for loopholes, ask yourself “are you innovating or renovating”? Innovation usually comes from the renovation process.

You can revive the old to become new again, just as in this quote.
On many long journeys have I gone. And waited, too, for others to return from journeys of their own. Some return; some are broken; some come back so different only their names remain.--YODA, Dark Rendezvous

In business there is an additional aspect as KNOWING THE GROUNDS "whats the playing field?". The wheel doesn’t need to be reinvented. Most industries already have a foundation. I am sure every one knows what they call Associations. These are networking grounds as well as development grounds. Unfortunately or fortunately for some there is bad and good competition within these groups. Everyone is fighting for market share. Let me use this analogy; If there is a redhead on the ship all pirates scramble to have her. Now its same with Projects; association’s are supposed to be an environment where a project is handled by all; everyone bakes the cake by bringing their unique ingredients and everyone shares the cake equal to their input share.
If there is no common goal that the association is pursuing then I see it as just a place for chit chat and back biting.

KNOW YOUR ENEMY – this is often the lack of technique in Business rules of engagement and Resource management. Usually this determines your growth prospects. If you know yourself and know the grounds you will be able to know how to tackle the market "device a tactical strategy"

If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are ... a different game you should play. --YODA, Shatterpoint

You cant just approach a babe because you handsome and have money. Whats your Character, are you defined by your wallet or are you defined by your principles? After you woo you can now ask the lady how she wishes to be handled lol, the market is a fine babe with everything and she is very wealthy too so who you are does matter as well as what you do and where you are going.

Your strength vs the markets weaknesses and then use the tool to hit where needed! All this is done in the mind with a pen and paper when you are starting! If you cant put down your model in a drawing then it will be hard for you to translate it into writing. Process or delivery design.

Many entrepreneurs are timid at start, they have little confidence in what they wish to offer and in this respect are not able to communicate it. Timidity also is as a result of being overly perfect. In my case I make deliberate grammatical errors cos I don’t need to speak grammar to be respected, you have to make sense and not to yourself but to your market. You have to come down to their level but with a swag, which is what branding is about, SWAG. Your flaws are actually adorable if you have a reason for bringing them out. It isn’t that your market is cheep and you should give them what ever but you should understand what pricing is. Create 3 class distinctions but let it also meet some quality standard. Cheep don’t mean bad, it means less functionalities. What is your product, service and solution mix? That is the design.

All this is on the shoulders of the FOUNDER, the next phase of knowing your enemy, is meant to be handled in team formation. I call it the Execution “Mapping and Delivery”

"plan" - find what is around"

It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal, engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

A problem may be huge and so it is with a business! In this case you can't waste time in tracking every possible resource you need one by one. You need to make a statement to the market! Like I previously mentioned about how the real estate professionals do! They present the architectural design of the vision and show what effects it will have to attract investors, partners, suppliers, staff and government agencies that wish to participate in the building of the design! During this process is where the next step takes place!

"strategy" - fit the puzzles to the picture.
No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. --YODA, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Based on what you find you approach each party and ask exactly what took into their fancy and you now have to place all the scattered puzzles to the picture. Imagine you havnt gotten all the puzzles, here you now decide what changes you will have to make to yourself, never change the design, you should change the tools and methods to making it work cos if for instance you twick a poll you may have to pay for the effects it will have on the foundation and that is a waste of time and other resources!

This is why from point one to this stage you need a solid team, who isn't emotional ie willing to transform their mind-set from I won't, I can't to - I can and let's try attitudes! Anyone who at this point are dragging their own relevance should be cut off cos what is important is the design!

Reason why the design should be left untouched is that in the process where you called in parties your market already has a picture of what you are and they will demand answers why you had changed from initial model to new because that is where the market acceptance of you had started. There is no going back you are surrounded by competitors and this is where you will loose out to them cos they will capitalise on what you dropped out on and make a killing, while you will be trying to reconvene your clients why you weren’t perfect from the start!

"tactics" - collect the bricks. 

In collecting the bricks this means your market target! There will be those who want you first; its what they call early adopters and there are also late adopters! You carry the early guys and give them the perks ie the cream of your solutions and to the late adopters throw the freebees left overs to keep them wanting for the next innovation! lol this sounds mean? well late comers always get what is left over or nothing at all.

Personally I don't feel sorry for those who like to drag their feet and waste my time while trying to save their monetary resources while wasting precious time! This is where as a business person I am harsh cos I also aint a fool for taking risks. First come first serve. As a biz person you must have a spine! Your market can't be pacing you! If I give my all I expect all! Lol Its like kids if they sense your weakness they will manipulate you!

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
--YODA, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

When you look at the dark side, careful you must be ... for the dark side looks back.
--YODA, Dark Rendezvous

"method" - start building the wall."

Here you have to become market leader, where even your competitors will follow your steps as well as become partners and investors in creating more innovation and expanding through diversification!

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

To answer power with power, the Jedi way this is not. In this war, a danger there is, of losing who we are. --YODA, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, "Lair of Grievous"

To be Jedi is to face the truth, and choose. Give off light, or darkness, Padawan. Be a candle, or the night. --YODA, Dark Rendezvous

Business is not hard for someone who likes to play the game!

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