Tuesday 22 January 2013


Solomon said, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Business just as Nature has seasons! Spring, Autumn, Winter,Summer
SOLUTIONS are a fuelled by nature, there is no way to avoid it.

Each moment in time, each phase of life, must be treated in a manner appropriate to the events - Ecclesiastes3:11

We can not control events, only how we handle the events of times!
Every season has its fruits! Measure expectations! Not every tree bears fruit every season, the same trees have a variety of use in their given periods.

Spring - the Incubator of passions! 
Spring is about getting back up. Exploring new opportunities! Ideas. Find when what ideas are useful for its time. Look at what is in your disposal to achieve it, store the not needed for after, nothing is ever useless it has its appropriate time!

Nourishing and watching as it grows..
Summer is development! Testing to withstand the hot harshness, learning tolerance.  A time of learning the realities. There is a difference between Choice Vs Capabilities that lead you to discovering Opportunities!
Defining reliability of opportunities on short, mid or Long term plans !
Again store what u don't need now "short term" but keeping in mind long term projections! Judge on Hard facts benefits to the project or the end benefactor! Incubation from spring prepares for what must come.

Fall prepare for the coming dormant time of winter its a time of picking up the fruits you sowed in spring, tested in summer and selected what you will use now separating a portion for next sowing in spring . We most times droop our heads wishing to again see the fresh springtime but it doesn't come again in the fall if we eat it all!

best to ask the farmer how he does it and relate it to business. I stand corrected to the process but not the principles.

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