Sunday 16 December 2012

"i am the boss!

"I am the boss, i have had the privilege of employing youth without experience and adults with.
Those who gave me the most hassle are the unexperienced and i spent time pacifying them to work than making money but i also got another side; i remembered myself young again but that dosnt bring money witch wears one out at some point.

I dont believe one shouldn't give students a chance but the question is; is my business a playground? Do i owe the world to turn my dream into someones battle field of insecurities and become road kill? Yes youth has huge potential but it needs to be cultivated and thats why they send you to university  and if you spent time playing around, why shouldnt i as the business person give you time to playout your energy on the streets to appreciate opportunity when it is given.

I have worked with youth extensively, i started myown company at the age of 18 in practice  because i couldnt find a job for one simple reason NEPA. I was an IT diploma holder at the time and because there wasn't light the prospective employer saw no need of my knowledge and instead of mopin around i threw it away and made the first company i worked for my  university. My first salary was 5000 naira in 1999. I knew nothing and i was greatful for the opportunity. My boss tookup to give me more knowledge that is what today continues to guide me. I never took any mistake for granted. I grew my company alongside working. I gave the best to my employer because that meant i am learning to be an employer. My personal dream worked parallel to my career plan.

I was serious, my parents were proud to see i cut off from them financially at 22 completely. I made my lifes decisions not hoping that anyone would support me. I lived from 18 to 22 on 100naira a day, somedays i will go to a friends house to eat because i didnt have enough. I carried my cross and when i met the employer i knew the sacrifice he makes every time he paid me and i did deliver. I am proud because this experience alowed me to manage and be creative towards my business.

I see parents mentor their kids to think that the employer is responsible for them. Parents shouldnt pass on to the employer their responsibility.
I am 35 this november and i own a company that makes over 19000hits per month. After reading this you will be promted to find out who i am, am i wrong? and so is every individual who projects themselves without fear or bias.

As a guy would you marry a girl that dosnt know how to cook?
As a girl would you feel safe with a guy who dosnt know how to earn money? Why should an employer employ someone who has no respect for his own survival and hope he would support the survival of his business?
How you treat your career is how you will treat the employer.
This is why the youth dont get jobs and not only because they are not there."

First entrepreneurial experience as a kid.

I had been doing business since I was 9 with my dad while in Russia, he and I would package jewellery and he would take it to Nigeria! While my bro played football. That was
a way he kept me and him busy out of the streets from "bad" influence and connected to him. He would always give me my share of the partnership. He would send me on tasks to the Asian market which gave me negotiation skills and he will teach me how to face people head on, so generally he was busy with his kids.

My dad had a special skill in coaching his kids to understand what survival is. My first experience was when he thought me the art of negotiating. He put me through 3 exercises without me even realising it at start. He gave me a list of groceries to purchase and an exact amount that could buy them,  with words "bring me back my change”. At the time we were living in Uzbekistan in the City of Tashkent where I was born, a former USSR state. The nature of life in Uzbekistan was all about trade, and most times you have to bargain for goods. The natives of the Asian state love to bargain and love a good bargainer because it’s the way they connect mentally. Communication may be daunting for the average person who wants to get things off the shelf but in the Asian and African environment bargaining shows your level of intelligence. Here is a 13year old going round the market and trying hard to convince the traders that she needs what she was told to bring back home and she cant pay what the asking price was. I was so brutally honest that some of the traders proceeded to teach me the art of negotiating. Eventually I came home with 1cent left out of 10cents given. I did succeed; my dad let me have the change. I was happy so I always looked forward to the next trip to the market.

On my second trip my dad said I should go to a different market and again with the instruction to bring back his change. I happily said to myself "this time I will make more savings and I did". On bringing the savings, and proudly showing him thinking he will pat me on the back, he took it all, and left with no comments. I was in shock and feeling stupid that I kept nothing for myself. I told myself next time I will give him only what he asked for.

On my third trip coming back and this time making more savings, because I didn’t buy one item on the list, I saved 3 cents, I studied the menu of the dish he asked me to buy ingredients for and said well today we wouldn’t cook with this spice. I learnt to be naughty, which is actually a skill to good creativity in entrepreneurship. When I came home he laughed because he saw the naughty grin on my face when I gave him just one cent. Later when I was 21 we discussed this experience which allowed me to be more courageous about achieving goals

its very important for kids to have experiences of such.

I was 18 years of age when I came to Nigeria with an equivalent of HND level in IT. I couldn't find a job at the time not just because I didn't have a BS.c, but IT was also unheard of in the state i lived in Nigeria at the time. Most employers had no need for computers because the infrastructure "power" was as we still know it! Africa hasnt harnessed the physiological level of development let alone IT, this was in 98.

Coming in as a kid and my parents being away for 15 years meant they had lost all connection to Nigeria and their friends were scattered all over the world and country, so there was no real avenue to say you have who to connect to.

While in search I put my skills and talent into work which allowed me to make connections. I embroider with hand, silk on silk, a hobby I took up while at school during home economics classes while in Russia, this gave me a few sales and thought me some business skills I enjoyed in connecting with people.

While I started planning on StartUpSity while searching for a job to sustain it I developed concepts for sale and would give those who were interested research and findings and make some money! I did work for 3 organisations such as Peugeot Nigeria dealership, Strabag Construction Company during the Benin bypass project and OpenLink Software Nigeria a well known company in the US when they came to open a branch in Nigeria. In this combination of works I picked up the skills in PM, Sales, and Enhanced my IT skills which aided my drive to be independent as well as  I rebelled against tactless management tactics we employ within the work process, often having to deal with sexual harassment and office politics. all this happening before the age of 22 and of course youthful exuberance, but today I believe I did make the right principled judgement even if I should have been softer about it. But all those principles and mistakes allowed me to be a much better employer. Patient to the mistakes young people make and respecting their values and aspirations. After this events I had my first child at 23 and due to his condition couldn't join the work force and this made me reopen the business files I left aside. Apart from the fact that the Nigerian business environment is Trade based and I am not a transactional type of person, I prefer services and complexities of management which many run away from, so I am in demand.

So my reasons are a combination of events happening in my life and the environment I lived in and people who were in my life!

Sunday 9 December 2012

I dropped out of school!

"i dropped out of school because i was bored with mediocrity, the world was going forward while the teachers got stuck in the past. If your kid isn't doing well in school then the stimulation is low for him/her, if they are not exhibiting excitement and growth at home thats a rain check on the curriculum. I have seen a lot of parents blaming their children for none performance from the score and feedback from the school, meanwhile the teacher has stopped performing miracles in class, while the ministries in charge of the curriculum have clearly forgotten or programmed a dull or manipulative system for breeding workers rather than leaders, well thats what schools of then were and a majority haven't evolved to the demands of today.

Reading the textbook is for home purpose if not for the teachers themselves. Teachers should learn to act what they want the kids to memorise. This isn't about putting teachers down it is about understanding the mind of a child and what can be done, if teachers get defensive or those in charge of the curriculum get offended they should ask why low budgets are allocated to sustain the educational industry. Reading and writing doesn't just stop by cramming alphabets or its pronunciations but how words affects their censes and what  sensibilities they acquire by going through historical "recorded truths" or scientific "facts" presented. Education works both ways, in simple terms put" this is what i present tell me what do you think about my theory or experiences, this way a dialogue develops and communication skills are enhanced.' if a teacher is presenting an information the response should also be as important as the information itself. if i don't care what is a pupils opinion i am likely to be ignored in return hence all effort goes to nill.

Lerners regardless of age; Their senses are like magnifying glass, they see through everything and if they don't find the waw in an information they are likely to get bored. Minds should be stimulated not manipulated, talking does nothing, it is same effect as a screaming mother in a home trying to get order after some time the kids become deaf.

Imagine what if each kid was given a task to redecorate their classrooms into what they have found in the books or while exploring the world around them, wouldn't they read and remember rather than cram? Wouldn't they develop design skills, wouldn't they know what project management is, wouldn't they after dream of how next year they could do better, wouldn't they be able to accept criticism better if they invited other classes to come and evaluate their piece of art as well as their efforts having physical evidence rather than a score they can't hold? and parents obviously being able to see what their kids put on a wall?.

is it this tables where they sit bored to death, breeding depression from start or focused kids who see evidence of their contribution everyday"?

Unemployment status!

Universities were established based on criteria required for the support of the industrial age. All round propaganda that without a certificate you are nothing has engraved a hole in the minds of parents of that era. It was a way to give people security about the institutions and demand discipline towards where they received orientation. If it doesn't sound to people authoritatively they will not take it seriously. The industrial age needed workers and they created an institution that prepared them for it.

The same government that needed workers in industries is the same government today saying kids should go and open their own businesses because they cant handle the responsibilities required in reducing unemployment anymore, clearly they themselves have issues with where it starts from and how to proceed. Life is so complicated and diverse that hell has broken loose. To survive you have to be smart but to sustain your life and livelihood you shouldnt forget that you are still in a community  of people who still think in the old ways who believe you must follow the rules of engagement in any given environment regardless of the situation you maybe facing, whats even more complicated is that their environment isn't same as before but they refuse to see it, a multicultural economy demands multifaceted approach in management. When foreigners are called to invest they should also be willing to shift their mindset from nuclear to global views and methods.

The governments that change the systems of management should prepare a platform for transition before making the shift but government is made of people and sometimes they are cruel "oblivious of anyone around but themselves" hence they limit their own opportunities for growth and expansion. They are not gods so in the interim before they get their act together people need to be proactive about their lives. As a kid i saw how professionals once held to respect were now scrambling to survive. They didnt prepare for when things changed and no one informed them. People are habitual creatures and that also means they find it hard to adjust however adjusting to a different climate can leave you destitute for some time and some dont mentally and physically survive it. Survival of the fittest still rules regardless of systems. Institutions are still trying to keep the authority but the mistake is they are disconnected from the business world due to trust and miscommunication, sometimes its deliberate while most times they don't notice that other emerging industries have left them behind while they were deliberating what their losses might be. The then students are now employers and they have developed a resentment toward the institutions for not preparing or warning them about change.

There is a difference betweent the developed and undeveloped world. Certification abroad isnt the only reason someone gets employed, but the governments are still forcing on the business world the old rules of employing graduates to keep their illusions going but is it working? Certification is just like a letter of recommendation from an institution that says he was here "the school went through the person" how about the person going through the school to find out if they are able to give him or her what it takes to get a job? If the employer dosnt evaluate the persons skill level and identify talents properly as well as train him to understand his unique business position before he says please be my guest he will have hell in managing the effects of his own incompetence as well as that of the new employee.

If today i didn't provide training and orientation to kids and i didn't make sure they were properly assessed for knowledge they received from me before i let them out to the market my certification is only a letter of recommendation that would question my authority. If my method of training did help them get the job and the employer is happy with his/her performance then the news spreads and i become an authority. I have to keep that authority by constantly evolving to meet industry and economic standards for growth. Universities have a lot of work to do in reviving their status back.

Would i be wrong to state the above?

Inspiring kids to learn!

History - his story of actions - the stories of man, your yesterday cant be erased, but can be forgotten.
it is no longer a definition of you, your acts of today make tomorrow. so stop being afraid of your mistakes so long as you have learnt from it. Who ever wants to use it on you, draw the line on the sand and say 'he who hath no sin let cast the first stone' for sure acts of men of the past shaped the world we see today. How much of it do we truly possess in facts to trace and find the loopholes to avert future disasters? The guilty isn't he who hath made the mistake but he who acted with deliberate intent. Ignorance isn't an excuse for the innocent but is a pardon to the humble.

Geography - the beauty of our landscape, they shape our cultures, religions, superstitions and laws.

Physics - the world of actions, the art of influence, time ever eluding man. For he is distracted by ignorance of his strengths. If men were gods space will not be enough. Space "life" is energy, time "action" is a force.

Biology- the diary of the past, the cause of evolution in mind and mater. Carnal nature of our Genesis, forecaster of the future if left untouched. It would have remained the same, peaceful, coexistence, probably boring if man didnt exist.

Chemistry- the study of reactions, the lab of all experiments done on the mind and matter. Regardless of if you do or don't you have acted upon a change. Don't leave yourself behind to the fear of the past and future, your lab is today.

Now guys tell me if a teacher or a lecturer can sing about their subjects like this wouldn't kids want to know more?

Saturday 3 November 2012

Roaming around success!

SUCCESS- Sucking up to people sure wouldn't get you that lol

On a serious note. success is hard to define, it varies from situation to situation and person to person, but what is failure is easy to define, it has facts. Success is just as elusive to business as faith to religion.

i went to wiki to have a look and it said
1. a level of social status
2. achievement of a goal
3. the opposite of failure

What ever it is that you do brings you status. You can be professional at being bad and good if you dont or do know the difference between wrong or right. Often times here your principles by which you live is what gets you that. People generally are social based creatures so belonging to a particular click and maintaining or growing your position and getting recognition is what makes you successful in yours and others eyes. Emotionally, is about being satisfied with what ever it is you have gotten.

Achievement of a goal like in business is about reaching 5 major steps.
Having staff, suppliers, partners, investors, making a return, revenue. A business must be busy growing and expanding, just like a kid regardless of his mistakes. To me there is no difference between personal and business success it has same measures.
If you are relevant as a business then you are free to expect success.

Generally i think that failure and success are both irrelevant cos its just created for benchmarking more of a mental state in controlling things. We all want assurances and clear rules and guidelines but i feel that takes away the fun. A measure of failure in ones life or business must exist cos it shows you are learning if you still hanging around. For me i do consider myself successful cos i have goals and i am hell bent at making sure they work not as i planed but as it sometimes should. Thats being content. If you look at "risk factors" you are much closer to knowing how to reduce failure. Once you have a balance then consider yourself successful.

Thursday 1 November 2012

African Women in Power!

Is it about women or is it about the cradle of life that we are? I have met Ruth & Patience & Lovee & Temi. We are called personalities, that exudes from us. Why did we click? We are the sisterhood of Sexy and the City Africa "lol" such wonderful series. Our hats of to those who made it.
  • Ruth -Practical endeavours, high-goals.
  • Patience - Expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom. 
  • Alsu- Responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy.
  • Lovee - Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression.
  • Temi- A foundation, order, service, opposition to limits, steady growth. 
We all answer our names.
How is it that in theses hands Africa isnt safe? We are the pillars of Womens Hearts! Where we rediscover how to dance Azonto ontop of our men. lol YES this statement is pregnant and yes we give birth to unique babies called business and social development.

Perhaps it will be effective to mix cultures because it is what we have noticed in the Eastern Block, Africa, Asia and the Arabia that we women seem to be negatively competitive when we meet people of same nature and experiences but then so it is with Men!

All 5 of us brainstorm and find loopholes with people who are not like us, we have evolved separately as "WOMAN" to embrace challenge and differences in others, so if you are different it doesn't mean we can't roll with you!. We compliment each other as our strengths complement our endeavours. We looking for complementation not flatteries. We have developed a personality that allows us to blend while standing out and allowing others to shine if only they put their heads out. If you are intimidated by our knowledge our personality will embrace you.

Do we want to be taken out for dinner, given flowers, poems written, held and loved for our hearts and supported in our desires to bring peace even if you get an occasional smack? Yes we do! just like any other but you are not going to find us talking about whats is in fashion as a rule, or how our kid pooped, or friend misunderstood her/herself. We are "style" based individuals.

The other day i caught myself walking out of my home without my top because i was so engrossed in reaching out and hugging the world. All 5 of us have been through moments.
Mixing cultures doesn't mean just geographically because that isnt a differentiator.

Ruth! I am able to listen to you and say waw what a lady because you are different from me, i can beat around the bush but you hit straight to the heart, you give me focus. Ruth when she looks at you,  you feel sexy as a woman. Those smokey eyes? Well guys eat ya hearts out she is taken.

Ladies if i wasnt straight i'd turn Gay because of Patience. She is patient. With her i can mess around but she still sees me. Why? Are we learning the Congo dance for nothing? In this group we GAY put us in prison and we will still shine. Patience makes you melt like butter. Between the tenderness and sassiness me want to be but me love those manly hands on the hips..

Temi if not for your outspokenness i wouldn't have had the courage to go my way so soon, yes i was shy, i hide.

Lovee is so pure, a goof ball with a sharp eye for love. My Arabian phenix.

They polished, they refined women of the blocked world. We have hearts of a Buddha, the mind of Muhammed and the body of Christ. You want to know us? Don't seek us through religion but faith, we super spirits. The Only one is our shelter. We  embrace waterfalls, we stand showered by the waters of our soil. We are strong and we are loving, even if we are in a mans world.

Saturday 29 September 2012



When sending your application for employment it should sound like a proposal!
Employers don't have time to decipher how your qualification fits his business, remember you are looking for a job, he has the time to select from the best!

Show knowledge that you have researched the company! A CV that is sent to a company that you know nothing about shows you don't care who you work for! Self care reflects in the environment you wish to align with. Every business has a culture!

Statistics show that staff leave companies not because they are paid bad but because they couldn't fit in with colleagues and mode of management!

Point3: The info you got of the company you must align to your qualification and
experience. Ie show projections of how your strengths align with the business mission and vision.

Note: You must try and understand basics in business management and structure in addition to your technical expertise!

What this means is that you need to get every industry or business specific information, look at what skills you have and show how you fit into the organisation! The question is what can you bring to the employer in exchange for your personal security "salary and career growth"?

Example: if I want to work in a gifts an events company having psychology degree, I need to show how psychology works for the business type! How my skills complement the vision and mission of the company. This will show exactly how u think or your proposition to the company of how you fit in!

Point4: detect your weaknesses to outline your threats and show the steps to bridge the gap.

This shows where you think you would need training show analysis of what you think are the business threats in relation to the industry current and growth status!

Point5: make sure you outline your hobbies, that would go along way in showing what other creative skills the company can utilise for in house needs! If u have a voice and play instrument, u can offer to create the company jingle for a radio add! Also it evaluates your intelligence, those who play football have natural discipline, and a knack for strategic thinking! As well as hobbies indicate your social skills! Your hobbies have the potential for actually giving you a better post than the one you may have applied for based on qualification!

Point6: In order to get that pass into being accepted offer the employer a free one month internship, where you can prove what you have presented on the Application! Every company has a probation term of 3 months where they decide to take you on full term , where the employer can see how you can
convert your theoretical information into practical knowledge, to prove merit.

Point 7: Remember potential employers use facebook for background check! Now what you communicate on you fbwall will indicate to him what you are all about when you think no one sees you! That is actually where the boss makes his emotional decision, to trust or not to trust you!

Facebook is your social image! Now facebook allows people to really brand themselves and communicate what you are all about! Be creative and innovative! FB isn't really for crap, but good articulation of your thoughts! Even if you have, grievance to express address it with style! social etiquette is what qualifies one to be accepted. Qualification may open the door.

Life is competition, employers are demanding excellence!

These are my standards as an employer! My business isn't a playground, and so it is for the entrepreneur who spends their last dime in creating an opportunity for theirs and your Personal and Career growth! You must remember the business is a dream and u must respect the owners right to demand that he gets the best to achieve the best!

Alsu E. Odemwingie
Founder StartUpSity.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

ROBIN HOOD the Entrepreneur!

Let me use the concept of the archery and the story of Robbin Hood to explain the problems of
StartUps not being able to lunch off and make the money that they want in a space of time that they need! The 3 things that are not usually defined at start are.

•   The Target "Area!"
•   The Bow! "Platform or Tools"
•   And the Arrow! "Your Skills"

The Spectators either cheer you on or distract you from using everything that you have in the 3points mentioned above! You have to be Robin Hood, you must have a talent or a calling and a history of being called the crook :) because he takes from the Rich to give the needy!  

In order to win the battle of growth and progress he needs to meet and often this happens by mistake usually a team of "outlaws (those who are considered law breakers in the eyes of those who want to keep their stand)"! Win their respect through doing something that no one can, be willing to teach them tricks and make them into a team. In business this represents the combination of all suppliers and partners and staff skill base or support products that achieves a particular aim! If you don't have people who see or wish to support the same goals even if they are achieving it from a particular Vantage point, then you will stumble on deception and wissle blowers!  

You need to be strong enough to stand your ground even if everyone doubts your abilities! Leader! All together investigate the rout that the money holders take and set traps to get the funds! The target is the money needed as well as the market base who want what you are offering! Often you will have to spread money to buy loyalties ie "freebies" so you can hide in their houses when the tax taker is after your ass with a reward on your neck! In business your business structure helps you get there! If you give to charity you can claim back in taxes! That's where NGO's get funding from! 

Everyone wants to hit the bulls eye "market leadership"! But the bulls eye is made of different areas, the Inner circle which should represent the coming together of all things, that produces the money, and the market leadership! 

So what's the price of the inner circle is the investments you would need ie "How do you stretch your Bow and how steady you hold your arrow" not forgetting that you need to weigh the strength of the wind that may affect you reaching the target! 

Of course everyone will try drawing a line for you "competitors" from where you should shoot from" but then you are also restrained by the market who dosnt want to give you their hard earned money for a service they don't understand! 

What stops you from coming close to the target area and shoot at close range? Well other competitors are shooting at the same time you don't want to end up with arrows on your back! So to win you must aim from far and to do that your weapon must be the strongest ie "strategy & tactics" 

How easy is it to hit the bulls eye when you are first blind, havnt developed a unique skill that no one can copy as well as are stubborn enough to stand the winds your competitors and spectators blow to distract you all in the quest to succeed at having a shot for what looks like the sound of opportunity!

Business isn't for small kids who run because they get a smack! You should be strong enough to move even if your legs are broken! The war can still be won even if you are the last man crawling!

Regards Alsu E. Odemwingie CEO StartUpSity PTY (LTD)

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Every track needs adjustment of angles to Move at an anticipated pace. Have you ever wondered why roads are never straight? THE DRIVER IS likely to sleep off on the way because there is no
challenge, problems keep you awake! If you are expecting life to give you a break it will hit you harder.

Obstacles gives you an opportunity to show off. First timers always make mistakes and mistakes are not deadly accidents.  Most of the time the deadliest driver is the one who is afraid, he is distracted and that causes him not to use his intuition. That's why its important to go through the track once to gage your strengths.

Don't do things alone spread the risks, you will not be able to jug stuff alone!

The winner!

The winner of the long race  where as creativity is concerned is not the person with the best IDEA, but the person who finishes first. The world is littered with abandoned works and too-late arrivals. So knuckle down! Get on with it and never, ever give up twicking as you go along!

A dream must have a purpose. A dream with out a purpose its like a bulb unplugged. A purpose develops through examining the drives of emotions "motion" as that is the only catalist of energy.

If your dream has no energy how will it propel? Its What fuels your rocket!
Every time I heard, saw something and I reacted negative or positive I asked what is the source of my emotions. What brought me joy, sadness, adrenalin rush! It's the same for every one.

A strategy without a purpose is like a sniper without a gun! 
STRATEGY DIRECTION; diversify—and never miss an angle.’— Walt Disney. 

How can you anticipate what challenges will come your way, if u don't have angles? How? Ask people for their opinions! More likely they will look like they are trashing your idea. That trashing is your alignment! What do u think will happen if 1 or all wheels of a car are not aligned? All wheels going in different direction creates wear and tear! Have options and decide at what point to use what. Appreciate others oppinions and see how you can takle them! 

Usually when someone prises your idea they are not adding to your idea they are only confirming what you said or did. That's why there is so much criticism- its an alignment. The only thing that is hard to deal with is if it comes with an attitude.

No! Look inside you!

Plan" Find what is around you? No! Look inside you! There is a silent voice screaming inside of you! let it out!

‘I long to set foot where no man has trod before.’— Charles Darwin

Everyone wants to be recognised! a business isnt the place for that! ego, emotions isnt a place, but passion is the mother of vision!

Do you see? Can you project? How do you see? A plan is a vantage point to a problem! Your approach reveals your personality! Only problems stimulate vision!

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY PEOPLE DONT AGREE?  Thats cos everyone has his own vantage point! Everyone has their own way of solving issues! 

When you are starting something new your planning involves discovering and documenting. Ie it is important for you to have writing and reading skills, and not just on a basic level but also on a higher level of understanding the words "WRITING / READING".

READING in this case means having an inquisitive eye as well as basic reading of books to collect historical data. Reading means you should be able to process data using logic. Having a deductive mind! SMART THINKING. Understanding of characters as a form of symbolising.

Learning through "observation or exploration" feeding your mind with existing Ideas from others, or solving a problem, or puzzle. One simple question would be to ask "what do people dream about?" " or listen to what people say" and be able to make sénce of it. Your level of experience means a lot so you must go out there to feel and touch, understanding of realities of the MIND, SOUL, BODY.
WRITTING in this case means Communication! How will you communicate what you have seen heard or physically touched? There are different methods of communication so it's not just being able to spell words it's also how and where best to use them. Understanding of realities of how the MIND, SOUL, BODY communicates or receives information.

“Is truth and knowledge to be found within us (rationalism) or is it to be found outside of ourselves by using our senses (empiricism)?” Plato, as a rationalist, developed the belief that knowledge and truth can be discovered by self-reflection. Aristotle, the empiricist, used his senses to look for truth and knowledge in the world outside of him.

Some people don't need to go into the conventional institutions to learn, they mainly observe and make conclusions, test them and see what works! You could be one of them.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

What do you dream about?

One simple question would be to ask "what do you dream about?"In today's reality when you are talking to people you hear one answer " I have no time to Dream, I have to pay bills".
Let me ask you " don't those things that you are pursuing to possess on the shelf don't they represent someone's dream you are paying for? Why can't you invent something that would meet someone else's need/dream to come through so that you can make your dream come true?

The main skill to acquire as an entrepreneur is Attitude! Attitude creates your vision towards success and implementation! Business men and women who have the wrong attitude seldom bring good towards the market and attract the backlash! Bad seeds sown never yield good results!