Sunday 16 December 2012

"i am the boss!

"I am the boss, i have had the privilege of employing youth without experience and adults with.
Those who gave me the most hassle are the unexperienced and i spent time pacifying them to work than making money but i also got another side; i remembered myself young again but that dosnt bring money witch wears one out at some point.

I dont believe one shouldn't give students a chance but the question is; is my business a playground? Do i owe the world to turn my dream into someones battle field of insecurities and become road kill? Yes youth has huge potential but it needs to be cultivated and thats why they send you to university  and if you spent time playing around, why shouldnt i as the business person give you time to playout your energy on the streets to appreciate opportunity when it is given.

I have worked with youth extensively, i started myown company at the age of 18 in practice  because i couldnt find a job for one simple reason NEPA. I was an IT diploma holder at the time and because there wasn't light the prospective employer saw no need of my knowledge and instead of mopin around i threw it away and made the first company i worked for my  university. My first salary was 5000 naira in 1999. I knew nothing and i was greatful for the opportunity. My boss tookup to give me more knowledge that is what today continues to guide me. I never took any mistake for granted. I grew my company alongside working. I gave the best to my employer because that meant i am learning to be an employer. My personal dream worked parallel to my career plan.

I was serious, my parents were proud to see i cut off from them financially at 22 completely. I made my lifes decisions not hoping that anyone would support me. I lived from 18 to 22 on 100naira a day, somedays i will go to a friends house to eat because i didnt have enough. I carried my cross and when i met the employer i knew the sacrifice he makes every time he paid me and i did deliver. I am proud because this experience alowed me to manage and be creative towards my business.

I see parents mentor their kids to think that the employer is responsible for them. Parents shouldnt pass on to the employer their responsibility.
I am 35 this november and i own a company that makes over 19000hits per month. After reading this you will be promted to find out who i am, am i wrong? and so is every individual who projects themselves without fear or bias.

As a guy would you marry a girl that dosnt know how to cook?
As a girl would you feel safe with a guy who dosnt know how to earn money? Why should an employer employ someone who has no respect for his own survival and hope he would support the survival of his business?
How you treat your career is how you will treat the employer.
This is why the youth dont get jobs and not only because they are not there."

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