Sunday 9 December 2012

I dropped out of school!

"i dropped out of school because i was bored with mediocrity, the world was going forward while the teachers got stuck in the past. If your kid isn't doing well in school then the stimulation is low for him/her, if they are not exhibiting excitement and growth at home thats a rain check on the curriculum. I have seen a lot of parents blaming their children for none performance from the score and feedback from the school, meanwhile the teacher has stopped performing miracles in class, while the ministries in charge of the curriculum have clearly forgotten or programmed a dull or manipulative system for breeding workers rather than leaders, well thats what schools of then were and a majority haven't evolved to the demands of today.

Reading the textbook is for home purpose if not for the teachers themselves. Teachers should learn to act what they want the kids to memorise. This isn't about putting teachers down it is about understanding the mind of a child and what can be done, if teachers get defensive or those in charge of the curriculum get offended they should ask why low budgets are allocated to sustain the educational industry. Reading and writing doesn't just stop by cramming alphabets or its pronunciations but how words affects their censes and what  sensibilities they acquire by going through historical "recorded truths" or scientific "facts" presented. Education works both ways, in simple terms put" this is what i present tell me what do you think about my theory or experiences, this way a dialogue develops and communication skills are enhanced.' if a teacher is presenting an information the response should also be as important as the information itself. if i don't care what is a pupils opinion i am likely to be ignored in return hence all effort goes to nill.

Lerners regardless of age; Their senses are like magnifying glass, they see through everything and if they don't find the waw in an information they are likely to get bored. Minds should be stimulated not manipulated, talking does nothing, it is same effect as a screaming mother in a home trying to get order after some time the kids become deaf.

Imagine what if each kid was given a task to redecorate their classrooms into what they have found in the books or while exploring the world around them, wouldn't they read and remember rather than cram? Wouldn't they develop design skills, wouldn't they know what project management is, wouldn't they after dream of how next year they could do better, wouldn't they be able to accept criticism better if they invited other classes to come and evaluate their piece of art as well as their efforts having physical evidence rather than a score they can't hold? and parents obviously being able to see what their kids put on a wall?.

is it this tables where they sit bored to death, breeding depression from start or focused kids who see evidence of their contribution everyday"?

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