Sunday 9 December 2012

Unemployment status!

Universities were established based on criteria required for the support of the industrial age. All round propaganda that without a certificate you are nothing has engraved a hole in the minds of parents of that era. It was a way to give people security about the institutions and demand discipline towards where they received orientation. If it doesn't sound to people authoritatively they will not take it seriously. The industrial age needed workers and they created an institution that prepared them for it.

The same government that needed workers in industries is the same government today saying kids should go and open their own businesses because they cant handle the responsibilities required in reducing unemployment anymore, clearly they themselves have issues with where it starts from and how to proceed. Life is so complicated and diverse that hell has broken loose. To survive you have to be smart but to sustain your life and livelihood you shouldnt forget that you are still in a community  of people who still think in the old ways who believe you must follow the rules of engagement in any given environment regardless of the situation you maybe facing, whats even more complicated is that their environment isn't same as before but they refuse to see it, a multicultural economy demands multifaceted approach in management. When foreigners are called to invest they should also be willing to shift their mindset from nuclear to global views and methods.

The governments that change the systems of management should prepare a platform for transition before making the shift but government is made of people and sometimes they are cruel "oblivious of anyone around but themselves" hence they limit their own opportunities for growth and expansion. They are not gods so in the interim before they get their act together people need to be proactive about their lives. As a kid i saw how professionals once held to respect were now scrambling to survive. They didnt prepare for when things changed and no one informed them. People are habitual creatures and that also means they find it hard to adjust however adjusting to a different climate can leave you destitute for some time and some dont mentally and physically survive it. Survival of the fittest still rules regardless of systems. Institutions are still trying to keep the authority but the mistake is they are disconnected from the business world due to trust and miscommunication, sometimes its deliberate while most times they don't notice that other emerging industries have left them behind while they were deliberating what their losses might be. The then students are now employers and they have developed a resentment toward the institutions for not preparing or warning them about change.

There is a difference betweent the developed and undeveloped world. Certification abroad isnt the only reason someone gets employed, but the governments are still forcing on the business world the old rules of employing graduates to keep their illusions going but is it working? Certification is just like a letter of recommendation from an institution that says he was here "the school went through the person" how about the person going through the school to find out if they are able to give him or her what it takes to get a job? If the employer dosnt evaluate the persons skill level and identify talents properly as well as train him to understand his unique business position before he says please be my guest he will have hell in managing the effects of his own incompetence as well as that of the new employee.

If today i didn't provide training and orientation to kids and i didn't make sure they were properly assessed for knowledge they received from me before i let them out to the market my certification is only a letter of recommendation that would question my authority. If my method of training did help them get the job and the employer is happy with his/her performance then the news spreads and i become an authority. I have to keep that authority by constantly evolving to meet industry and economic standards for growth. Universities have a lot of work to do in reviving their status back.

Would i be wrong to state the above?

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