Tuesday 18 August 2015

Creativity in display.

Proof of concept- still waters run deep, the essence is to find its source and build it up. We test the Idea through exploration of thoughts "Brainstorm" and the concept so there are no surprises. A significant investment in new infrastructure cannot be left to chance but with innovative and/or complex solutions, it is impossible to anticipate every scenario. In collaboration with manufacturers and vendors build and test the solution in Imaginary realistic conditions with references to available tools globally. Armed with this test data one can build a reliable return on Investment plan. we need to meat the budget of $5000.00 approximation.
to play fair the public gives their ideas "the ball" as tag lines, if we do not receive the ball we find the ball. We then need to prove that it can work. you may search for ideas on the internet and post right under this status or mail directly to the hosts inbox.

24hrs is given for each industry. the public will be given at the end of each session the opportunity to throw in a critique. the industries are!
Arts & Crafts, Autos/Transportation, Beauty/Personal Care, Business Services, Children's Businesses, Computers, Education/Instruction, Entertainment & Events, Financial, Food, Health Care/Medical, Home Products/Services, Import/Export, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Media/Publishing, Online Businesses, Pet Businesses, Plants/Agriculture, Real Estate, Recreation, Retail Businesses, Security, Sports, Technology, Travel. a "Trick Card Industry will be reviled on the final day"

Lets rumble in the Jungle AAAAAAAA!
I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want.
Muhammad Ali
He remains the Greatest.

What is the game of business? 
A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.
- Mary Kay Ash

Every business needs application! A simple business develops paths as it grows! Whereas a huge dream has big shoes to fill in! Nothing wrong with big but you need patience to see it through!
in the course of our browsing through ideas and requesting people to put forward what they are looking out for we will showcase to you how it develops.
Business Opportunities are often disguised as Problems! or found through professional experience. We have come across the following.
please click on like to indicate which you would like us to move first with, you may also post what you would like us to play with.

Creativity in display. break it to bend it. every pothole is a loophole. Na only you know wetin you go see!
business is for intellectuals, its opportunities are seen through visionary perspectives, to each idea its due analysis needs to be given. Experience how it builds from Idea to concept to prototype, to rollout. Key active words lead to perspectives, interest to the ideas is developed on the go.

Economics; business viability is based on projections and statistical data which often revolves around analysis of opinions, its applications diversity depends on environmental "culture, resource & promotion within geographical regions. of course education and skills play a big role in its timely implementation. the ideas listed below was our test trial to the willingness of persons amidst my friends which i further took into practice years ago.

24/7 till it gets done! this is a never ending process as one idea can spin and spy-roll into dimensions that often doesn't come to mind from one individual but a group or groups of people. Then the ideas are analysed and reproduced into a workable concept(s) which becomes a project to which the standard PM & BM guidelines are used through implementation/setup and business/project continuity principles are applied.

New ideas pass through three periods: this is a mindset based function. once people get past the mental barriers due to self confidence and information then these steps no longer exist.
• It can’t be done.
• It probably can be done, but it’s not worth doing.
• I knew it was a good idea all along.’
— Arthur C. Clarke

"when in doubt dont act" its an indication that you havnt thought everything through. dont act doesn't mean stop it means pause think it over again, take another angle!

Cant is a defeting statement, don't know how however has a solution "find it"
Persistence is the only sign of success. Patience isnt about waiting, but moving gradually.

1st idea being worked on today is 
We have been approached with the following request!

Please i need ideas, one thing I've always wanted to do is to set up a home for abandoned children and runaway children, I just bought a land but I dont have the slightest idea of how to start.

this touches the Nonprofit industry.
breaking this idea down till we drop.

  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie the questions that would lead me on this quest is Why are children abandoned? and Why do children run away!  

    1. abandonment is the practice of relinquishing interests and claims over one's offspring with the intent of never again resuming or reassert
    ing them. Causes include many social and cultural factors as well as mental illness. An abandoned child is called a foundling (as opposed to a runaway or an orphan).

    if i were in this area i would hesitate to start from this point because what it would take to setup as a startup i may not be able to maintain it, and would need loads of external help.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie 2. A runaway is a minor or a person under an arbitrary age, depending upon the local jurisdiction, who has left the home of his or her parent or legal guardian without permission, or has been thrown out by his or her parent and is considered by the local authorities to lack the capacity to live under his or her own accord (the latter is sometimes referred to as a "throwaway").

    but this looks more practical to me, one can create a business out of this, i belive NGOs should be independent.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie in looking at this 2 factors i would create as an entry point A national organization promoting the safety of children, to prevent and recover lost, missing, abducted and runaway children nationwide. Day-to-day operations consist of contacting people at schools, PTAs and other family organizations, offering child protection kits and an array of educational materials on the prevention of lost or missing children. this is easy to start because the educational materials can be sponsored by organisations that want to advertise their products along side the message. this would allow me t gather momentum while i create a park out of the land where kids can come and have a swell time being educated.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie children learn through play. run away kids are usually abused at home their family unit has disintegrated. at what age the kids run is what one needs to look at. most times consciously its from age 5 to 16. the primary aim of my park would be to give this kids what they wouldnt get at home so that they wouldnt turn into prostitutes and rubbers, abuse of substances. they would need subjects such as home economics and bible studies. theologists and psychologists should be the main staff of this organisation. Carpenters, Electricians, Tailors, Physical education specialists would come in for teaching practices.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie the place would have a huge kitchen as most times learning and self esteem is developed through collaborations. everyday they cook a meal serve each other learn etiquette, and a main dance hall where they learn how to treat each other girl to boy, and team wise. every 3 months they get to perform for the public, through theatre displays. Generally a community centre develops here. most of all the important thing is they should all have a major project they would handle i.e. what do you want to become when you grow up? most nigerians want to be independent and we are clearly lacking in employment, so i might as well teach them business.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo First and foremost.let us know where u acquired the parcel of land,the size of the land,the topography,its current developmental status(if any?) etc.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Esosa why does that matter?
  • Esosa Ovbiebo D where? is a very important question in biz organization.u can not start an orpanage without putting into consideration d sociocultural environment in which u want to operate from.wht if d land is dere and u dnt find run away kids to rehabilitate.for example,in d western part of nigeria,it is an indictment on d community if a kid runs away from home.it is believed that the child belongs to the community.d binis to a great extent imbibe dis culture also becos of our closely knitted extended family system.
  • Osaretin Ekhator Depending on your budget or location and how much work you are ready to put
    in you could start with this:

    1. Build a temporary shelter, cheap and basic but functional on
    that piece of land
    2. Have start off funds just enough to feed the kids for one month
    3. Then contact mass media to run stories and adverts on the initiative
    4. Target government agencies, international organizations
    and corporate organization funds.
    5. Do Something daring or radical like removing child beggars from some
    major roads and admit them in your facility this should also help get some positive attention.
    6. Have a celebrity or government official or
    and renowned corporate/business or sports personality volunteer to help distribute supplies to the children with all the necessary publicity

    This should get your children home started in good shape. As to how to
    keep it running that will require a different strategy all together.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie the fact that this individual contacted startupsity to get this project rolling means that there are cases where kids run away. we are dealing with sensitivities to the african culture but as the world is evolving we will have cases like this. ie the cults have now adopted the youth as an alternative to where one should belong. now should he be dealing with the minority market of run away kids and abandoned kids or should he focus on the youth?
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Osaretin.thk you.in nigeria,most child beggars have parents.dey are nothing but errand beggars for deir parents.maybe d parents need to be rehabilitated with d children also.there is already a psycho-biological affinity btw d parents n d children.SERIOUS!
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie How to get it running i would suggest first creating publicity as a service and also raise funds through it. proper brand name that speaks for the org. blogs are free and should discuss topics of family management and rehabilitation. the blogs and page can be created on facebook or blogger on google. create virtual events to ask parents what ways they have practiced in efficiently manage and bring up their kids. where they have seen run away kids or abused kids, topics on how the community should manage a situation when they found the kid, then meet companies to advertise on the pages their products and services as a fundraiser something like a wikipedia for family.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie the seminars that could become a service line for the organisation should cover Anger Management for this kids, workshops on learning different art and crafts. i would suppose that rather than just focusing on management one should look at prevention methods. i would say creating a park out of the land for starters and bringing the community there with providing catering services. the land to become a garden mini-city.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie let the kids of the community build their own garden go to companies to donate a flower or a tree.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie i wouldn't mind calling the org little feet and toes.lol
  • Emeka Enechi Develop a business plan which serves as a tool with which to measure success and or challenges. Following along the lines of Osaretin's suggestions, acquire an SMS text number - the four or five digit type through which you can receive donation in small amounts from well meaning people. You will need to get the telecomms service providers to buy into this.
  • Emeka Enechi Approach local councils to organise events with children in primary schools raising money to participate. Just concentrate on doing small things. A 100 thousand children raising N1 each for the events across a state will bring in 100k to this initiative. Your plan must be convincing for any donor to take you seriously.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Emeka.Are the illegal immigrants beggarly children involved in dis scheme??.if dey are to be part of our scope,then,we would need to use d local fulani n hausa language to communicate with dem.we would need the inputs of chief immams n grand kadis so as to come to solve d religion based challenges in getting these children into d rehab on d consent of their parents.dey can become useful migrants n contribute to d growth n devt of Nigeria.Thru dem we can approach rich countries of the Arab world for grants.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Emeka Azuka Okoye please what IT infrastructure can be of good use?
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Pls lets follow the bottom-top approach getting to success.remember,in d course of solving a social problem success is more of a destination than the unending journey most motivational speakers always talk about.dnt u think that stocking d whole place wit computers n sms services n bloging dis n bloging that would make us to look so much in d top-bottom approach tht is not quickly workable in community based biz strategies.Mark u,some of des kids are among d rural poor.Emeka,are u dia?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Esosa there is a difference between the service, the infrastructure and what it takes to sustain it.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie every NGO gets to a point where they loose heart beause they have to beg. an NGO must be partially if not fully self sustaining so that they can comand the respect of the comunity as well as those who want to use them for their political aims just cos they put money.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Olatunji Ope how will Telecoms help this organisation lol just puing you under fire.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Alsu.i am not saying IT is wrong.If d IT hub is going to be used as a vehicle to drive d ideals n ideas of d vision,then,all well and good.but i can not go into d streets nd start using computers to entice d kids into d rehab.okay oo.just try it with those kids at ring road whether dey wont smash it and cry back to u,"Madam give us money.we wan buy food.we dey hungry".Yes,for a self-sustaining mini-city of such a magnitude,we need to study china's model of collectivize holdings nd d israeli's kibbutzin.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie no one is saying you should go with computers to entice kids it is the infrastructure required to get people like you and i to be enticed to donate even if its 1N.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Thank you.Alsu.Let d center be ICT compliant at the top.Then at d bottom we would need to look deeply into d community.As a matter of synchrony,synergy n harmony we would get to d meeting point of technology and d people.i call it techno-welfarism.

2nd idea we will be exploring today is.
Order brings sameness. Chaos brings newness every moment. The problem is first overcoming our fear of chaos, and then mining for the great ideas and bringing them back home.
we will be exploring
how do we make business out of theses and events required to sort out our health care industry.

Health Care/Medical - we go to babalawos, self medicate ourselves, drink ogogoro and then we face dealing with heartdeseas, liver failure, irreversible cancer deaths and we dont have equipments to save lives, our students dont care for life why should they care for a patient?

Senior Home Care Agency
Online Store for the Disabled

Natural Home Remedies

  • StartUpSity before our colonial masters came we have always had our own traditional medicines that work for us, take for example the dogonyaro leaves that worked miraculously towards curing malaria, which the white men eventually turned into chloroquine, after it was refined , proved to be a very, effective cure for malaria, the eating bananas and ground nuts, and for the infertile men, these are all natural remedies we had before the colonial master came, and so much more. so i believe that some of our trado medications work, but not all of them esp that ogogoro and roots mixture.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Yes.Alsu.d colonial masters also came with orthodox healthcare practice.Initially our traditional health care practice was termed as crude n fetish.But successive milatary and civilian administrations in nigeria began to embrace the practice.they came out with the idea of rebranding d practice as one of d alternative healthcare solutions to many many of our poor folks who could not afford d exorbitant treatment fees in both govt n private hospitals.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Dere was a massive campaign against d aggressive in road tradomedicine was making into mainstream healthcare delivery, by d Nigeria Medical Association.their main campaign slogan agains traditional medicare den was tht herbs only supress the symptoms of diverse diseases n not curative.But notable Medical Doctors such as Prof Adeoye Lambo who was a 1 time DG of d W.H.0. helped in spear heading d holistic cause of d trad practice becos he has done so many research wrk on d potency of our roots n herbs.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie which means we need a lab to support the research of our traditional remedies.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Yes.of course.a state of d art laboratory is needed.gbam!
  • Esosa Ovbiebo A botanical garden is also very very important.dis is necessary becos more than 80 percent of d herbs are still been sourced from d wild.in the botanical garden ,they can be cultivated just as you cultivate other agricultural arable n tree crops.
  • StartUpSity Senior Home Care Agency: i think this is needed despite our communal system. care for our older generation is getting worse.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Such agencies are been run by the catholic church in nigeria.but those aged are stigmatized as witches and destitutes and such stigmatization do more harm than good to their gerontocratic psychology.i and some of my inlaws donated household items to such home in uyo last december.it was pitiable to see some of them narrating to us how deir children had abandoned them.hmmmm..psychology of d aged.I couldnt find any old man among them.they were all aged widowed women.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo therefore the target market is aged women before demographic and socioeconomic segmentation.
  • StartUpSity Online Store/education/work for the Disabled: how about this?
  • Esosa Ovbiebo I didnt get you.is it of d disabled or for d disabled?.semantic differentiation control,pls.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Either way it's an option.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Ok.we start by puttin the physically challenged into similar groups.classify dem by age n level of education.set up an online community where d educated ones among them could exercise deir inteclectual ability,liaise with NGOs and other social care givers to assist in physical enumeration of d physically challenged in our communities.set up a resource center with sport n games facility such as scrabble,chess,monopoly etc.Entertainment facility would be of immense benefit to enable dem showcase deir talents.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Note also tht dere are some pipo who are congenitally deformed,other got it due to disease attack at deir infantile stage of devt e.g dos who sufferd polio attack,some got disabled tru accident(domestic or vehicular),some were occupational.dos born with it adapt to life quite easily.it is not easy for example,an able bodied man who got disabled either by accident at d work place or road traffic to psyche himself up to d present reality.it is devasting to his psyche emotionally.such a person or grp of person
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Such persons need lot of confidence building therapy.hmmm..Alsu.let us be ready to give this to humanity.these grp of pipo hve been so emotionally trenched upon by society.i wouldnt really advice getting a place like a "mini city" for the differently abled.take not of my words.it is part of d confidence building tips.call dem "the differently abled" n not d disabled.let it be a center where dey are taught,get ,groomed,n reintegrated into the mainstream society 4 dem 2 contribute well to d nation's GDP.

3rd Idea Explored
Home Products/Services- we dont decorate our homes, it isnt an expression of style, we put things but they dont represent who lives in it. Personally "Alsu" :  i would prefer to live in a Mud house and it has character than what we see today. The Interior designers are suffering to make business because we dont like to express our individuality. Our women are still cutting onions with their hands, where are our old day stone grinders, they sure help making better tasting dishes. Whats the best style for an African home. Do we have a style Mag for Africa featuring African made things to use in decorating our homes?????

We will explore the following businesses as well.
Closet Organizers
Furniture Steam Cleaning.
Gazebos, Art Headboards
Treehouse Kits

  • Closet Organizers

    havnt we seen the storm happening in our women's rooms? wahala de o lol Cleaning out a clothes closet can hurt. It’s hard to throw away stuff that is still good, stuff that cost us a lot of money. But it has to be done. get a warehou
    se place that can be used as a sales area for stuff that is for sale.

    how do we propose this gets done? anyone who is going into this business must have partners as carpenters, electricians, connected with furniture stores or factories. an e-store take pictures of the clothes and hang them up for sale. mini ebay.
  • StartUpSity A Nigerian Mag is certainly needed this dosnt have to be huge for starters a 20 pager would be nice. redecorate your home, take pictures of art, a token for promoting their products on the mag should pay for printing. get a company that specialises in home based products to put an add. swing in topics on relationship tips.

Idea 4. Have you seen the level of our movie production where illiteracy is perpetuated, yet we fail to notice people are buying pirated american blockbusters that have entertainment and educational value? Although we are watched all over Africa the image of our country is further degraded through what we portray. Where do we start, where do we draw the line, what help does this industry need?

Cartoons for our kids

Actors, writers and director training

  • Esosa Ovbiebo Then proper segmentation of d levels of manpower needed in our movie industry to bring out professionalism at each level.theatrical training for would be actors for them to perfect d act of stage performance before moving on to d mainstream movie industry.as a matter of govermental policy there is d urgent need for the setting up of nigerian institute for creative writing tht will help broaden d knowlegde-driven scope of script writers.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo In d script writing training ,emphasis would on screen writing,features writing,documentry production,epics from our traditional stories and legends,script doctoring,comedy(sitcoms),operas etc.at each level of training we should make d minds of d partcipants to delve into entrepreneural thinking so to make dem conscious of the wealth creation capacity of d skills dey acquire.