Tuesday 26 May 2015

Frequently asked questions.

I am often asked the following questions and this is what is on the minds of many students and entrepreneurs who have an idea but are still afraid to take the leap of faith.


On a technical side your future business will generate itself from either your interest, profession or personal experience.

On a general level starting a business isn't hard for those who make up their minds to start. It is the emotional preparedness that rules the paths the business takes. 

If you start a business because you need to make money  you would usually miss the points in the principles of sustaining yourself in the market, why? That's because you would likely be gaging your achievements on a physical level. Yes there is nothing wrong with having money but those who don't create the paths at start make it difficult for themselves.

Everything has risks, risk isn't a negative word, it means awareness of certain facts that exist within the environment you choose. 

Evaluating the facts and then Measuring your self and business idea will produce the needed "SWOT ANALYSIS" that will help you to make the decision on HOW to go into it. So usually it is a process of exploration both in mind and matter. 

Matter revolves around fact finding and the mind revolves around reproducing the facts that you find to give you WHAT you want. The word FACT projects it's self in relatively measurable terms and then you draw up the unmeasurable terms. If I say that what you see is what you get it implies that take what you can touch to prove what's behind your goal. Only things can be proven to exist, thoughts and words create the illusion of existing facts. Don't get me wrong thoughts are real but they also require substantiation "validity" a combo of facts and Actions to prove it works.

2. Making money shouldn't be the focus at the beginning stage of exploration as that limits vision and can misdirect the vision, mission and objectives that need to be taken.

"DREAM" Vision is "where do you want to be" on a personal and business level. Here the process for GAPing is required.

"REALITY" is Looking at where you are at present, which often people think is grey. Very few people like where they are at, everyone has aspirations.

StartUpSity's MISSION is to take you to where you want or wish to be and doing it with you. With Us you are never alone.

The mission revolves around setting plans in getting yourself from where you are to where you want to be. This is where the GAPing process and procedure applies itself "Mapping points to reach and what is needed."

Mission is a tactical approach to a situation which often depends on who is behind the wheel. Let me use an example "you know how to drive on a basic level, but you don't have a car, what do you do? Grumble that you don't have a car to get to where you want to or do you take a bus that gets you to your destination? Or would you walk if you don't have the fee or would you ask a friend for a ride?" in this example you can see that the Mission depends on the philosophy one has towards life and success.

  • Vision answers: What do you wish or want?
  • Mission answers: What do you need to get there?
  • Objectives: looking at what you have presently that can or gets you started. Here "GAPing" the analytics of strengths and weaknesses to see what threats or opportunities lay and projecting ahead.


First look at what you can without spending physical cash but remember time is also money. They say who comes into business first always leads others, so an amount of pre planning is required. Planning revolves around gathering resources that you would need to get there and they are both intellectually based as well as in hard form "tools."

Don't be afraid of the illusion of loosing money because nothing is useless even if you may not be using it at present. Some would state that things get outdated, well to that I say "Updates exist for future wants not present needs."

The fear of loosing money stops the creative side much needed to sustain yourself on the long run. If some form of desire pushed you to explore at a moment go with the flow. Planning is also what is called foresight. Dream up a picture regardless of how ridiculous you may think it is for the outside world because people who are doing things are always ridiculed by anyone who they tell their visions to but you should also be objective ie that negative feedback speaks volumes. If the person you are speaking to at the time tells you that the idea wouldn't work yet shows you where it may not or will at a given time then you are getting a better advice than someone who tells you the business wouldn't work for personal reasons "they may not understand your perspective" so either explain further or leave them be.


To keep running you should keep seeing 3 steps ahead. Test things before you set a price, test to give and have knowledge. Don't restrict yourself to any angle of approach towards solving a problem. Business "creative" people are by nature are solution providers but be aware that the solution you may be providing could put another business person out of business but more often that isn't the case as those who are competing are indirectly partners as well. In example "I see no difference between the Banks and venture capitalists but it seems as though they are under the same name within the financial world. They compete in certain areas and they differ through the approaches they use.

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