Thursday 6 June 2013

Starting: The bigger the picture the wider the spectrum!

A dream doesn't need money! It makes you search for creative ways to make money!
When the money comes you will know where to put it! Start dreaming of a solution! Share it and see the magic happen!

When starting a business the hardest part is keeping enthusiasm! The bigger the picture the wider the spectrum for of things to keep you busy!

Understanding that in business you will always have limitations in terms of finance and logistics as a startup, you need to look at the best creative method for assembly and delivery, then make your presentation to your market and see what happens! There is always a client that will take you to the next level!

Lets have an analysis of the following picture.

Point 1: Knowing the cost of not solving the problem: No Need and Awareness phases!
Every entrepreneur starts with the question "do they need my solution"? this is where startups put themselves in a fix, instead of having a basic concept they venture into creating a product. What they should be creating is an IMAGE "standing out as an expert like a consultant, its a cheeper way in starting in business".

How does one start in becoming a consultant? For starters the question to ask is "is the market aware that they have a problem"? Does the market know the consequences in not solving the problem? To me this is usually the first point in finding out if you have the opportunity to connect to a market. This is usually done through the PR channels. Radio is most effective and at times cheep  for bringing news to a wide public. Usually a market isn't aware that they have a problem let alone identify solution providers, so one is more likely as an entrepreneur to first draw awareness to the problem and then show them the solution.

Point 2: Knowing solutions for me are available. Research and shortlisting!
Your solution is what pays the bill. At what cost it would be for you to provide the solution is only gotten when your leads contact you. Here your basic design of solution pathways start developing. Through Investigating their unique problems you will be able to design specific solutions to them. Do not rush in sending out invoices because you need to look at all the available complaints of your leads to design one or 2 solutions that can possibly solve all their problems.

Usually those who have identified their problems are in a rush for a solution but don't like to pay until it is solved so you will have to have the skills in managing their fears. also at this point you may have to turn down some leads because it may become too expensive or expansive to deliver the job. In the process of shortlisting you need to categorise your leads into stages i.e.. who can be fixed now, soon or later. This is a time and resource management skill.

Point 3. Closing up the deal and Implementation. 
Remember you are not the only one in the market who could possibly be providing same solutions as you. there are always bigger and smaller competitors too deal with leads you may not be able to handle. So network with competitors as partners. Clients choose for many reasons but trust is what they stay with.

Project management guidelines are available on the world wide web look it up and you are in business.

see next: Continuum

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