Sunday 5 May 2013

Creating opportunities!!!


Creating  your own opportunities is the very meaning of having a Continuum! As you go on into providing solutions as a consultant you need to be aware that consulting isn't necessarily a business, it is a process of delivery. i.e. researching and analysing data. A business is an organisation! it is more complex than just its services or products. It is more involved with managing not just clients but staff, partnerships and investments. As one grows one is attracting or needs to attract more resources, this is done through using processes and procedures i.e. the very meaning of organising resources and resourceful alliances that help not just you but at minimum having a meaningful contribution to  "economic" growth.

You will be dealing with establishing and maintaining a Vision and establishing your Mission path if you are on your own.
Your company vision is tied to a growth development phase of a given country(s) you are established in, and your mission is to identify how you choose in supporting that growth. If the country is growing then usually it should mean your company is growing too, however most startups are more inclined to providing a vision and designing a mission that isn't revolving around a country but its owner.

In a perfect situation the government should be connecting with business owners and their companies to drive the economy, this usually happens through professional associations but if not  then everyone ends up on their own and only by a  miracle find themselves solving problems from different ends and it will take time to achieve  objectives.

The objective of a business is to make money for growth and expansion; the well being of management, staff and the value added resources that support the company's growth. The objectives show commitment to the care of those who are within the company. The Mission shows commitment to managing the market and The Vision shows the commitment to growing further. Objectives never change but the Vision and Mission changes as one gets from one phase to the next.

“God” wants us to know that life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements. Creation is an ongoing process, and when we create a perfect world where love and compassion are shared by all, suffering will cease. Bernie Siegel
I had initially touched on the concept “theory” of building designs it was the theory of how new ideas evolve from one stance into multiple options, this is in reference to understanding perspectives be it relating to products or service options, in consulting there are in my view should be a varying amount of options, in products this is identified in levels of quality, there are also levels of effectiveness in services. In creating a manual for business schools to ponder on the originally set structure for revenue development is being reviewed. 
Raduation “raduga” (Prussian) in sound translates to rainbow, this for me works as a method of aligning up ideas into levels of importance for a person seeking transitions to seek opportunities/strategies and tactical execution of plans ie a gradual progression from one level into another. In examples taken from the business idea site. 
Idea Center: ANTIQUES - Interests
Under the antiques level of interests there are a series of businesses and each of them as stated applies to the antique this would mean studying what is considered antique, ie a perception of history ie there is a story attached to a piece of work or an art of a kind, Antiques are sold in aution houses these aren’t faly used but valuables that has meaning that appreciates or depreciates based on it use and what it represents, it is of cultural or personal value to someone or a society so it will be of a price. Going on to the point.
FLEA MARKET ORGANIZER – a flea market is an auction of a particular type segregated from high-end valuables you might as well have a café or restaurant for additional revenue with an entertainment center. 
On the list of presented businesses an analytic is placed based on interest level and resource availability to see the paths for building up a business design specific to antiques, have a look and build the blocks of executive methods that forms a plan, attach the cost, identify specialists and seek for investments that’s about as simple as it takes to setup, managing is a process of growth that depends on your will to see it happen than waiting for miracles where leads have been presented.
Considering that first professions were started through INTERESTS/TALENTS then it was organized under INDUSTRIES it now represented the PROFESSIONS, in this case professions are organized interests/talents, this leads me to address the rainbow based on colors.
In an environment that is simple ie a nations development level talent is what people can easily identify with. What are categories of talents and how does it link to interests? I would first define interest it is either directed by craft or trade. 
Before choosing a line of profession first identify either desired skill to acquire or identify by yourself what you can, have trained yourself by yourself outside of institutions, the following are identified talents.
Singing, dancing, varying sports, burping the alphabet, whistling , recite alphabet backwards , being good at math , reading upside down , fastest text messenger , rolling your tongue , holding breath uinder water , cooking , baking, coughing up intestines , read with eyes closed , play piano , play guitar , play flute / recorder , play clarinet , play clarinet underwater , making clothes , building houses , play violen , play saxophone, eat grapes until they start coming out of your ears , fart without it smelling , clap hands and destroy a planet , give birth to penguins, tongue touching your nose , licking your elbow , tap dancing , magic tricks , driving , walking on water , living on the moon , going a week without sugar , hula hoop , jump rope , writing , spelling , smelling , smiling , partying , coloring , drawing , painting , imitating farm animals , punting , throwing , hitting , catching, swimming, yelling , whispering , breathing , tying shoes , giving , listing talents , measuring , drinking, lying , flying , flying a kite , being a duck , herding, lassoing, imitaing billy crystal, imitating keanu reeves, slam dunking, dodging, bullets, playing frogger, picking good outfits, listening, fishing, surfing, making, camp fires, making pancakes, planning, being nice, blogging, playing dead, pretending to be a shark in a swimming pool, typing, scaring off a bear, scaring off a frog, mocking, voting, building, hiking, kayaking, shoveling snow, cheating, without getting caught, answering questions.
These are talents that are used in industries, what we see today lay in these foundations someone improved on it and we have what we have, personally I yell out in my car to have done what I had, singing may not be my outmost forte even if I am looking forward to making at least one single. I studied sounds that way, my son needs me to practice on myself to enable him in a world of bastards who would rather drug him to ease their job.
I am sure that in the minds of most parents there is a question that stands “how do we prepare our kids to see and take opportunities by the horn in preparation for adulthood without being brainwashed by academic demands in certain professions, the above listed are activities that kids will find as fun and most of them gives a general understanding of how things evolved, as regards how societies evolved cultural themes through artistic expressions helps them to be more lenient to change rather than subjecting them to a particular type, its time to accept that there will always be white, black, and understanding the varied colored culture of lifestyles all over the world both within and outside their reach. White just as black is limited in their extremal understanding of life and they also need to realize that however they may not like it. I have a son who is of Tatar, Sierra-Leone, Ghanaian, Nigerian “edo/yourouba”decent and that puts me in a position to demand from anyone to realize that his dark skin has nothing to do with him, I may sound off-handish at this point but never the less it is the reality of an inexposed world we live in, this is the world I am in its colorful and I will not have anyone limiting him to their ocular receptivity and limited experience of life. I am still having to deal with in SA with the fact that a nation of couloreds cant comprehend that there is a mixed culture also existing, sorry but no sorry there is a distinct difference, aggression doesn’t exist within it is determination due to knowing where my roots come from, I am not about to loose who I am like they did, say you all thanks to the methods of apartheid just as the coloured Americans who cant find their bearings around the pains passed on through generations, yes the vast majority of coloureds are in a bad state emotionally, that would be the first thing to look at before proceeding into economics, I have paid the price of distrust because of that. I am very aware of what mixed and coloureds went through and still do, it is a violent nature we were plunged into by greedy and ignorant societies, no jokes made. To see only Trevor Noah as a face internally and internationally is appalling same it is with Nigeria as Osas is the only mixd boy representing and this is why I am questioning the stand of the mothers who call themselves diaspora, to even speak of other worlds would take half a page. hello what happened? Are the colureds so faceless that living in penury is the only way? Sad.
Should interest levels be defined by earning power what you gain in financial terms you all will find yourselves depressed at the effort it takes to pull oneself out of a hole that systems had built and it is honestly in your minds and hearts nothing more or less. To have an attitude towards your own lies is as good as trapping yourselves. 
The study of talents leads to understanding the industries when at a growth level stage.

Antiques business ideas that you can start today from

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