Sunday 1 May 2016

gugu gaga

Had been provided with an analysis of the problems in SA by a financial institution, where statements led to the search in technicalities that the youth is going through, in effect it resonates with youth all over the world to look and tweak the educational aspects within industries, will present further to the paragraphs. Countries can look at it and bounce it off according to their peculiarities.
1 Introduction and Overview  
Unemployment in South Africa has hit its tall and it is so rife that more people are becoming unemployed by day. With the current state of the economy where there are rapid retrenchments and evident skill redundancy in certain industries, more people are finding it difficult to secure employment hence threatening their survival. Despite the fact that, as a developing country, South Africa’s economy is on a growth path, the problem of unemployment remains unsolved. The country is still faced with a record high rate of unemployment which continues to escalate each year. In light of this predicament the following are key questions that remain unanswered; 
  • What is the probability of active youths who have just completed their studies to penetrate the employment market? 
  • Is there a suitable youth development framework to facilitate the eradication of this problem? 
  • Is there enough participation from the private and public sector to support youth employment particularly those with no work experience? 
Work (intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship) forms an integral part of our daily life’s survival; it defines who we are and also integrates our social desires. For the youth, finding a stable job position is also a symbol that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood and from dependence to independence. In finding employment, young people secure the much needed independence and freedom of choice about their lives. It also gives them a certain degree of economic security and a vision for a much brighter future.
The aggressive attempt by the government and various private and/or public entities to address the livelihoods of the youth has become a pertinent issue against the background of the unemployment situation affecting mostly the previously disadvantaged populations. The assessment of the progress calls for an explicit consideration of future generations which currently in the hands of our youth. The youth of today would eventually inherit the environmental, economic and social problems or successes created in the past decades, hence it is relevant and essential that they are involved and their opinions are incorporated in the process. This would not only empower them but also ensure a smooth transition necessary for them to take over the governance of the country or businesses. As such, it is therefore very important for all entities involved to formulate effective succession plans which will incorporate the youth as a way of safeguarding these entities’ eternal continuity from generation to generation. 
Youth unemployment is a sensitive problem in our nation and requires urgent attention. The problem is primarily attributable to the historic inequitable access to resources and employment opportunities by disadvantaged societies. Notwithstanding these historic incidents, the problem is also being echoed by the mismatch between skills acquired from schools and those required by employers. Due to political and economic transformation in the country more societies are becoming enlightened and are aware of the problems but they are still frustrated in the manner and time it is taking for the problem to be addressed. The solution to this problem is the basis upon which StartUpSity’s strategy becomes relevant. Complementing the education and/or training provided by our institutions, StartUpSity has initiated on a work readiness program that intends to assist in eradicating unemployment challenges faced by the youth of South Africa.
It is important that students and learners are afforded practical solutions that are helpful in transitioning them into employment or entrepreneurship. It is a fact that without proper work training foundation and proper entrepreneurship foundations in place for our youth, it may be difficult if not impossible to eradicate youth unemployment in this country. Like the saying says: “if we fail to plan, we plan to fail”. If we fail to plan on this, the truth must be said that the economic growth desired by the government shall remain “a pie in the sky”, i.e. if individuals, businesses (public and private sector) are not participating in empowering and nurturing our youth at the right time and stage. It is mainly for these reasons that StartUpSity has decided to embark on and establish this project.
Penetration by big corporations into townships and other remote areas has made it difficult for small business in those areas to prosper. As a result, this deprives previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs the opportunity to establish or sustain their own businesses within their communities. Businesses are reaching new stage heights today, that in starting a new business venture one needs to have some formal basic training in either business administration or management. Youth needs to be enrolled in such programs offered by StartUpSity and other entities to accumulate such skills. Some countries, including South Africa have illustrated the urgency needed on this, and have SMME development as central to poverty alleviation, economic growth strategy, and long term redistribution of economic activities. 
The South African active youth, especially graduates whose immediate deliberation is to enter the job market, do not find it easy today to be employed. Previously post-matric qualification holders used to be guaranteed of formal employment, but of late things are not the same anymore. There are thousands of active graduates looking for employment and the job market finds it impossible to accommodate all. The reality of the subject is that entities prefer graduates with substantial exposure for cost effectiveness and efficiency purposes. This to an extent led to the establishment of graduate and internship programs offered by a limited number of companies. StartUpSity has designed and tailored a program to complement these and other in-house student development programs offered by such companies and various other institutions.
StartUpSity is a social development enterprise seeking to invest in training and skills development of the youth. The enterprise is a non-profit organization and is seeking to raise grant funding amounting to "...." to roll-out the project. The funding will enable it to continue with and expand its social programs of developing the youth in the areas of employment as well as SME development and management. The program is a one year structured and outcome based program targeting high school and tertiary students both those that have completed and those still studying. StartUpSity intends to enrol about 120 students initially in Gauteng and consequently moving to other provinces on due course. The target is to ensure that, ultimately the program serves over a thousand students per year countrywide. It is important to note that the organisation is in its second year of operation and has already enrolled a few students to initiate its program. The required funding will only enable it to expand its offering to more students and possibly more areas across the country. StartUpSity has already registered success stories from the current stream of students and the intention is to replicate these to a broader spectrum.
The program essentially seeks to impart those critical skills necessary for the youth to successfully nature their careers either as employees or entrepreneurs. The program is outcome based and will be driven by experienced and qualified professionals to ensure quality results.

I'm not a pirate. I'm an innovator. Kim Dotcom

Those who in cult in Nigeria claim to be pirates should look at what it means rather than wasting their time rioting in Canada.

2 Socio economic challenges faced by the youth
The evident pro-longed solution to this economic crisis faced by the youth has affected nearly every province in the state, especially Gauteng. The wellbeing of the entire nation is dependent on the youth. In reference to the latter statement, the youth of today resort to committing crimes as a way of feeding themselves and in some cases to match the lifestyle of the fortunate few. Unless our authorities, government and private businesses address this unemployment crisis of the youth, the problem facing contemporary South African youth will remain unresolved and may possibly worsen. 
The challenges facing contemporary South African youth also extends to the following:
  • Why is there only adult olympics and none for kids? Inter state competition isn't viable for investors on kids level?

  • It should be quite shameful for corporates to be scrambling for territories while ignoring the foundations of societies. Men calling themselves business men yet no acumen to lead, children in their hands yet not seeing what they are subjecting their children to in future.
  • Welfare positions were created to subsidise for ideas they couldn’t generate nor the will to work. this is what i call penny wise pound foolish. Imagine nonprofits at my door subjecting me to pay for services they were paid to do by ignorant neighbours who are sales men for those businesses.
  • Simple business enterprises such as cleaning, gardening, first aid services are businesses the youth from age 10 to 15 can do. Farmer’s incubators are places where kids learn about plants yet chiefs are holding on to what? The supposed child labor rights activists are talking nonsense on eradication of child slavery yet have subjected kids to crime and lack of experience in learning how to cultivate themselves and ideas. they are the political villains of economic breakdowns sitting and vying for their pennies at the expense of children and markets. instead of working they are sitting in offices plowing terror on other countries.
  • Kids the age of 5 to 10 are awakened explorers, to debase them in order to prove to your friends that you are a good parent is to subject them to being slaves for others who will easily trick them.
  • Children want attention that most parents get bored in instead of ignoring set up projects as a child’s business area, want to tell me they cant serve their businesses as waiters and chefs? bir tenge dunkies. kto lobit suhari iz lepyosek? is that not a business?
2.1 Employment Demand and Supply
In discussing the causes of youth unemployment in South Africa, it is also important to be considerate of both the employment demand and supply factors as well and how they both interact to cause youth unemployment. It is now acknowledged that one of the major causes of the high youth unemployment is the high current population growth rate which has resulted in a relatively young population increase and a large proportion of youth in the working age. It is further argued that the high population growth rate has resulted in the rapid growth of the labor which is outstripping the supply of jobs. 
  • There is what I call the behavioural patterns of the Dutch in South Africa their DNA is that of thugs and attributed mostly to the white male the women don't know what to do with them other than letting them loose.
  • high population growth is as a result of people being jobless.
  • There is what one calls transfer of aggression between supposed friends of a man on the wife. I am sitting at the golf course speaking to peter In front of moerne before I know it he tells me why would I speak to peter in a manner that he sees as displeasing yet peter had no issue with it. The idiot who is going through intimacy issues with his wife is aggressive to women, loshni had been going through the pains of loosing her brothers to an accident her stern drive is as a result of having to manage her family and kids alone while moerne was busy gallivanting in Nigeria, the idiot is forever talking about sex rather than paying attention to his wife, he hops from country to country looking for approval from his dad who couldn't come to terms in loosing his son to another tribe only to mention it before his death, this is what I reference to the oblivion of boys who's choices had been rejected, to be close to a father and to experience rejection both boys and girls feel let down. What is the cause of the riots in Kenya? 

2.2 Rural/Urban Migration
In relation to the population growth rate the issue of rural/urban migration is also a contributory key factor. Another key factor influencing youth unemployment is a high degree of the mobility of youth from rural to urban areas. It is observed that youth migration is three times more than other migrants. It is anticipated that a large number of youths will continue to migrate to urban areas where job opportunities are perceived to be in abundance compared to rural areas. This entails that if the problem is not addressed adequately, unemployment pressures in urban areas will continue to prevail.

  • If Belgians stand for liberty why are they condoning the behaviour of the africans? 
  • If south Africa is the cradle of life why bastardise it and other related colonies like Angola?
  • Political correctness has rubbed even the authorities in the un in addressing the issues of employment, their own economies are falling why will they pay attention to what is going on in their colonies. Blasted men there for show.
2.3 Inadequate Post-independent Youth Policies 
During early years of South African independence in 1994 – 1997, young people (especially African) never posed a serious social problem and as contenders for the lucrative white collar jobs. At that time, unemployment in disadvantaged youth was not a major target for that government. Post 1997 years, the liberation of the black society resulted to the current state where all (black and white) are competing for the very same jobs, posing a huge supply into a relative to the demand, thus putting pressure on the job market. The resulting pressure has contributed significantly towards the joblessness of the youth hence severely impacting on their social and economic wellbeing.
  • Kids the age of 5 to 10 are awakened explorers to debase them in order to prove to your friends that you are a good parent is to subject them to being slaves for others who will easily trick them.
2.4 Educational 
Education has become the main means of preparing young people for the future. However in its present form in South Africa, the education system is not as entirely effective in less privileged communities. The main reason for this is the fact that it is not entirely producing scholars that are fully ripe and ready for the employment system. Scholars coming out of the education system often lack the appreciation, orientation and readiness of the work environment which makes them unattractive to most employers. 
The education system is a primary means of preparing young people to be able to comprehend a particular area/subject, but lacks the accumulation of the relevant technical expertise in that field. Technical expertise is only accumulated on the job training or through leaner-ships and internships after completion of the studies. The youth needs to be enrolled in programs, such as of StartUpSity, to complement the knowledge gained at school with the exposure to gain relevant technical experience.

  • The training of teachers should start with soft skills before the knowledge of hard matter this starts from understanding zodiac signs in general while imbibing personality metrics all that practiced on self through analysis then they will be more inclined to managing talents in kids while keeping an objective understanding in relaying hard knowledge to kids in geography, sciences and theology as an over all method to embracing their career interests, it's how I managed my crew.
  • What is the measure in achieving serenity in the souls of men? The minds are so polluted with dogma that reason only prevails through violence who is going to make sense of it all. No proper analysis of the mosses law there will be wars in hearts brewing. If women don’t scream they will connive.
2.5 Social Background
Some of the problems facing the youth can be attributable to their negative background which includes historic socio-economic imbalances that resulted in their poverty, illiteracy of their guardians and depriving them of career guidance. The absence of discernible livelihood opportunities for young people often leads them into drug abuse, violence, robbery, gangsterism and other similar crimes. Unfortunately the prevailing poverty situation in most disadvantaged communities has yielded to this ordeal and most youths are in this predicament, to a certain extent, due to such circumstances.
In most cases teenage youths tend to lose focus and be misled by anxiety, peer pressures, deceptive materialistic desires and skewed role models. All this normally results in them compromising on sustainable and morally acceptable self-development. Proper guidance and creating employment opportunities for the youth can be the most effective solution to mitigate the above problems.
  • example: How can a man in the Arab world burn himself alive because a policeman is haggling him for pennies he didn’t earn, are the authorities there not paying their security service?
  • The bee standards were set to pacify the ignorance of the black man you ought to be ashamed of accepting limitations it has only aided the economic downfall of currencies in the world, no effort no value be it in thought or deeds, the white man had given you all a chance to assert yourselves yet in the senate you are busy propagating that money had been stolen, the anc is trying to bring a youth to order without realising its effect on a national level, how is it that without the study of political history people are electing themselves to be leaders. Mandela fought for nothing lazy boys at the helm of affairs claiming to be men yet no do.
2.6 Soft Skills Complimenting Technical Knowledge
It is a fact that technical skills have little value if you have poor soft skills. Technical skills alone do not always lead to effective recognition, self-promotion and most importantly opportunity identification. Technical skills are important; however they are more effective when complemented with soft skills. Soft skills refers to amongst others how well do you communicate with your colleagues, management, clients or your employer and are perceived as a contributor or just another techie.
Soft skills are important to create opportunities for ourselves. What is the use of technical skills if nobody knows you have got such skills? The essence of education and technical ability is to create opportunities, however without soft skills exploiting the opportunities would be challenging. We need to make use of our soft skills to cultivate opportunity. It is important for the youth of today to keep the right perspective and understand that business values, and not just their technical expertise, can make a difference. 
Youth fail interviews because they cannot properly present their capabilities in interviews. As outlined earlier our schools only focus on subjects’ content hence there is a gap in the market of addressing the lack of soft skills. Internships have been developed and structured to address these issues in public and private sector. Entities, like StartUpSity, have prioritized their services in transferring these soft skills to the youth so as to be marketable and employable thus complementing their formal education. 

2.7 Entrepreneurial Experience  
Starting a new business venture is challenging, demanding and requires a lot of entrepreneurial skills and experience. People worldwide argue that entrepreneurs are born, some proclaim they are made. Nonetheless, either born or made, it is a fact that most successful entrepreneurs have come a long way and have learnt through the ropes. This makes it clear that accumulated entrepreneurial experience is necessary in running a successful business enterprise. In the country’s quest to combat youth unemployment, youth needs to be offered a platform to enable them to accumulate business experience through practical exposure by way of suitable programs.
The National Youth Development Policy is geared toward ensuring that the government in collaboration with private sector creates an enabling environment for establishment of employment and business opportunities for the youth. As such StartUpSity endeavors to add value in this regard.

  • theory and practice simulation on indentation, design, conceptualisation "product types & service methods", rollout "packaging & networking" basic level then sales and acquisition of inventions.
  • the youth is naturally attracted by what they see but they don’t understand the essence of business functions when it comes to marketing and distribution, this is the essence of supply and demand, being locked up in classes limits their ability to implement.
  • my way may not be absolute but it is a start in a place where there is nothing, by being told to accept certain established factors as a given order is the start of degradation, those who need to start somewhere are often seeking the source of knowledge in quotes and matter.
2.8 Private Sector Participation
Very few private sector businesses do take cognizance of the prevailing youth unemployment crisis and thereby try their utmost best to participate in helping the situation. This entails that private sector participation is seriously lacking behind in terms of supporting the youth development initiatives. Like the few private sector businesses participating in the initiative, there are vast opportunities for business to offer in-house programs (like learner-ships and internships) as a way of training the youth to equip them with the necessary skills and experience. Until a point when a significant number of private sector businesses realize and take seriously the impact of their involvement, youth development shall remain a major the problem in our society.

  • In my view the youth themselves need to realize what the problem is, you cant treat a patient without their exclusive concern. Then an explanation of the steps.

cost is attributed to what emotional burden is or what it takes to execute or train others to execute. Sounds more like butchering 

  • if a leader ie a business founder is tired of the cries of his or her staff they should be objective about it. First emotions need to be sorted out, then the flow of works, within every starting organization there needs to be an investor representative that helps with the mundane clerical needs that takes away time for swift execution on plans not someone who sits to blow air up ur egos. 
Youth for the most part are scared to try because they have been made to feel bad about their mistakes, not to worry is my motherly way. There is a clear example in the face of Rollins in Ghana who didn’t hesitate to get his hands dirty with his people.

Intake strategies revolve around projects desires within a market area, ideas are like leads to interests to which consultants provide varying problems within their environment, then receiving suggestions on product tools and solutions.
Demand works in two ways, who is prepared to give and who can find what’s requested. In the negative sense to demand is to take what’s not yours, kids cry adults do 
Feedback also works in two ways, what happened and what was found to receive further insight to what can and what’s not available. In feedback the issues within each industry is a lead to project from.

After feedback execution of ideas to receive experience either by self or through imaginary scenarios. This is often attributed to fantasy be it dark or light/knowledge projection towards the future sine no one likes to think of their actions.

Mental range is dependent on will not often what is allowed or not, laws that obstruct growth aren’t laws, so I bend them without hurting anyone, if egos need to be squashed I act to present facts rather than wasting precious time to unnecessary debates. In spirituality I take individual references to what works and what doesn’t.

Subjective approach I would always presume is the way investors approach things I am presenting an overall idea on what business experiences I have had extending it towards futuristic visions that I had experienced when young.

This is often referenced to capacity and ability in the moment, when speaking to investors I listen to their interests then I show synergies, if they aren’t interested I move on with my own set plans prior. There is no notion of family in my mind in terms of expectations, I do carry on myself the job of others that is likely to affect my progress.

depends on the project, have practiced in the core foundational areas that current businesses are set on so to project on others is a matter of relativity.

In planning to define inputs it is for external login of interests, in outcomes computer generated statistics are often measured on averages, this is where the loopholes to errors are, and feedback allows an alignment in timely management of needs in relation to issues.
Logistics is based on preorder of tools and transportation.
If people don’t know nor want to envision their future where would projects originate from? This is why I say nay sayers must be bitten to a pulp, besides that created sample ideas are a start to choose from.
To facilitate is to report what has been done others as partners contribute to what’s left and then bridge the gap by informing.
In creative to define parameters is counterproductive, team brands is based on the message they wish to project counting in the factors that are of importance to them personally and socio politically this allows to draw an economic evaluation of a territory.

ranking in groups and positions within companies as well as in government is considered by the following metrics, no one in its form makes for an absolute skill and knowledge/information analysis.

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