Thursday 12 May 2016

career management

StartUpSity Proposition
In order to assist in the evident challenges facing the youth of today, StartUpSity has established a Student Development Program. The program endeavors to curb some of the challenges faced by the youth in relation to finding employment or becoming successful entrepreneurs. The program will have a Business Experience section and a Soft Skill enhancement section.

In my understanding there is no point in reciting health care policies the medical institutions ought to set up clinics for the students to practice on animals before going into active duty this way they will understand what health care is in management while practicing under supervision of the veterans in the industry.

going through the ideas should start the phases in management studies for youth age 15-18 before technicals are studied.

Health Care/Medical business ideas that you can start today from

Program overview
StartUpSity serves as a skill development facilitator where learners, students and graduates enrolled in the program will be skilled and educated in Business Experience and Soft Skills. The business is seen as an investor in human capital; an achievement which they pride themselves of. Investing in people is a new national standard, like in many developing countries, which seeks to promote good practice in people development. It is also an exciting international benchmark for companies who believe that people are their most important asset.

business experience through shadowing professionals in industries both past "in history" and present. create a critique on how it doesn't relate to the your environment and your understanding of self.

In reference to Business Experience, students will be afforded an opportunity to participate in projects where a prospective employers and/or entrepreneurs are also participants. The experience is specifically priceless to students who want to specialize in the areas of business consulting or starting their own business. The students are paired with entrepreneurs on the basis of what they aspire on the business environment (examples - intrapreneur: analyst, production manager, financial manager etc or entrepreneur: starting a bakery, filling station, programming etc). With these accumulated experience, the students will be able relate the experience to be accumulated with what they want in their careers and will receive constructive feedback from the experts or facilitators and an indicative of which skill they need to nurture or develop to enhance their chances of succeeding in the aspired role.

In reference to Soft Skill training, the students are enrolled on electronic soft skill modules like Business Communication skill, Presentation skill, Communication skill, Time Management, Project Management and Conducting Effective Meetings and not limited to Conflict Management, Customer Care & Telephone Etiquette, Business Ethics, Diversity Management, Personal Effectiveness in the Office, Problem Solving and Dress Etiquette and will do assessments and presentations etc in the presence of the facilitator or module coach observing their competency levels. The coach will then set a feedback session were developmental areas needing attention will be communicated with the students to concentrate on, bearing in mind their career aspirations. 

The planned learning stages that enrolled students will go through will encompass Career nurturing and Entrepreneurial development as follows;

Career Development Path
Career development path follow the underneath stages;

If there is something I don’t agree with is the notion that one career is better than the other, in Nigeria the worst form of skill distribution in reselection into university by authority was that of send them where the seats are available, if someone doesn’t have a naturally caring streak towards people they are likely to become the worst in their career fields in same reference to the medical professions.

Imagine those in the ministry of education not knowing what hr is in practice. If professionals in a variety of industries aren’t giving feedback on what they have seen and in practice how can annalists make futuristic projections on needs as well as manage emergences when they occur? This is why most African nations aren’t awarded to host sports events like the Olympics, world cup is just a piece of the sports industry, health and safety are the most considered aspects next to infrastructure. Every region is peculiar needless to mention the diversity of needs within streets.

Entrepreneur Development Path
Entrepreneurial development path follow the underneath stages;

Any business plan chosen or given needs to be proven to derive and reproduce knowledge out of  the experience, issues wit h those who say there are lack  of opportunities is as a result of not willing to search, do in none perfect ways for others who join to complete the rough works, and the financial system going after sales margins than looking at service provision efficiency, financial institutions are service providers themselves who have little faith in other service providers hence you have the economic problems you see.

What is in for the Employee Development Student
In order for companies to grow further, the formation of productive teams is vital. Like the saying goes – “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. The saying translates to the fact that if one person does not perform in a team, the performance of the entire team is also affected, directly or indirectly. The program educates aspiring employee the essence of team spirit and encourages them to always go an extra mile towards making a meaningful contribution to the team. The students go through a service implementation strategy where a platform is created and all necessary resources, tools and support come together, to simulate work environment for students. This creates an opportunity for the facilitator to assess the student as if it is in an actual work environment. It is not always a case that employers want to connect with employees only based on technical skill; they also need to connect to the personality aspect this demonstrating the importance of soft skills in the work environment. As such, one requires not only a job qualification, but also a good personality and experience in business etiquette/principles.

ceos ought to question their reasons for going into business before subjecting the youth to undue scorn for none performance yet wouldn't provide feedback to the ministries in order to set appropriate curriculum for preparing kids into the work force.

"WHYNOT" shows points of views, where NO or Yes is not a satisfactory answer, we are dreaming; free-willing a 100,000 ways of seeing. We pursue WHY anywhere,…

When assessment of applicants is made then place them where your merit is, this is a request by students from the fortune 500 companies as for me I love my youth die.

15 -18 going into business ought to be informed of the following in order to meet the criteria for working in the high ranking businesses, this is what leo's who have slaved on the streets instinctively know but hadn't been reproduced in common language.

as a startup i can not afford to higher ceos with experience so my time goes into training than making money through selling others products therefore i am a failure apart from having to deal with headless beings who can't see what their behaviour causes the economies crashing.

inflated financial statistics by the big companies is creating hardships for nations that aren't focused on themselves. what is there in creating a notion of a successful society when knowledge is shaded and education is deteriorating, kids on the streets, high crime are basic indicators.

Those bum heads who are ceos of industrial companies that wasn’t founded by them shouldn’t consider themselves better than the ceos on ground level, I chose to be where I am butts for men who cant see past their crave for recognition, where is trump? That’s a guy that likes to be on the streets, quite boring to sit in the office  looking for trouble copied your style dear

What is in it for the Entrepreneur Development Student

Entrepreneurship entails the ability to identify a business opportunity and putting together all necessary resources (i.e. human, financial and other) to pursue the opportunity. In pursuing the business opportunity the entrepreneur does not necessarily have to know everything and even if he does, he would not be able to handle everything at once i.e. from a practical perspective. In this regard, some of the most important skills an entrepreneur needs to possess include managing and leading people to achieve business goals. Managerial skills are not only essential to conversional managers, but to anybody in a position of managing people in any situation. People in managerial role require the skill and character to motivate, lead, supervise, be an example and be responsible so as to ensure effective delivery by their subordinates. In light of this, the program takes into account the importance of such skills. This ensures that students are equipped with management and leadership skills deemed necessary for entrepreneurs to effectively manage people and resources towards successfully establishing and sustaining business ventures. 

no infrastructure whats there to maintain, how about the knowledge in restoration being a start for construction professions, see whats there then create a census of interest then evaluate the skill level and start the process is as simplistic as i can put it. Greece is having economic crises while they are best at crafts since rome development started by them.

Program Objectives
The program is designed to develop the students’ skill in team building, conceptualization (creativity), building prototype (structuring) and rolling it out (promoting). The program runs for a period of one year and it is divided into four quarters with an objective of achieving the following in each quarter;

1st       Creative Visioning – learning to conceptualize business projects through team brainstorming and after that, planning in advance the practical strategy for execution.

2nd     Learning Research, Analytics and Presentation – conducting thorough research, analytics and presentation methods to communicate business projects to prospect interested parties. Even for prospect intrapreneurs on to present themselves on interviews.

3rd      Entrepreneurial Training, in Project/Resource Management Techniques – learning on how to administrate, manage and supervise in business or work environment.

 4th     Practice Action Learning – implementing the roll-out of the projects undertaken. Learning how to support and transferring the learnt skills to other.           

Student Enrollment
Approaching schools with seminar programs. The program will try and outline students question on employment, as well as giving an overview of the program.
A tournament between various schools as a campaign. A tournament is planned for students to participate in as a fun building event that will introduce them into business.
The other phase involves setting up business projects at locations within the vicinity of the students schools/neighborhoods. Inducting them into business management and administration. 

inflated financial statistics by the big companies is creating hardships for nations that aren't focused on themselves. what is there in creating a notion of a successful society when knowledge is shaded and education is deteriorating, kids on the streets, high crime are basic indicators.

how can the older generation have shares without caring for its sustenance through education?

computer design systems services what the hell does it stand for if the essence of its founder has no foundations in management of groundworks in engineering yet the priciples of engineering is lost to simplistic services? You take for granted a person that holds knowledge. That’s ego in men who think their wives are for domestic use. his whole team was lousy from start. where is bolagi? can you imagine peter giving a young lad just about to marry that he shouldn’t allow his wife to be dominant with his kids, how can that be an objective boss? he sits to accuse me of ruining his business, when offered help says he doesn’t mix business with pleasure. Thumbs up. the nature of women is in management of resources and scouting, whats for men if the issues they present is constant complaints. his staff should be students of economics in merger with engineering, activities range that supports both industries and analytics, home economics being the basic knowledge for kids in schools.

when men participate in petty tricks and ideologies they unfortunately don’t see the effects of it, when you caution them they take you as an enemy.

in a nation where there is no infrastructure, where there is no blue print for the development of its lands people cant be trained into any occupation. The start to exploration is in understanding the principles of adventure, if people are brought up to trick being the foundational mentality of traders things and plans always find themselves undone, the average African is only interested in things than thought process towards visionary skills. If elders don’t believe in dreams ie talent exhibition then what’s there to discuss?

when talents are running abroad for basic life amenities to rise their kids what happens is a land remains uncultivated, to subject talents to living as beggars makes thieves of all, the military regime killed all possible development in Africa.

the study of economics starts from the marslow hierarchy of needs in same respect to census for blue print structuring.

feeling for youth is different from knowing how to manage them, forget about how you were as a youth and you loose objectivity, in the process this is why the rascals on the streets are better at business management than those who came out of the industrial era, process management isn't same as what logic develops when on the streets both have their place but the world now is made of entrepreneurs who are bold not those seeking constant directives, its limiting.

ever understood the principles behind seduction? Controversy of a nature you thought you knew yet in turn to be what you never experienced nor was ever willing to trust. there the basics for economics build and present

for an international person statistics are applicable to cultural orientations, habits need to change for market opportunities to exist, not in the sense of complete change but in representations while avoiding obliteration of the others culture. In retrospect the change from one political system into the other creates a vacuum within nations in the capital cities while the rural aren’t much affected, however the reality within the undeveloped regions poverty level is affecting the cities. Just to spend your lives eating and drinking isn’t a life style that prompts growth on an economic level.

in economic evaluations of data averages are often considered the rural are left behind because information to them is considered not necessary by those who think in monopolistic ways the reality is that the pressure of managing the demands for knowledge and resources fall on a few that is where they crack when in public governing domains, hence art bridges the gap to reduce the tension until plans are made known. Movie industry is complicatedly simple the allure to it is much but who can manage the demand there?

the ejebudes are known to be crafty buggers, stingy to the core because they count others gain rather than analyzing the loss over time, the yourubas in general are daft when it comes to projections. Where are the edos in all of this when it comes to recovery of their national identity as the heat beat negotiators?

if there are no expenses accountants will have no data to capture on resources needed and loses made between both definitions are projections made in design and representation. so is a loss really a loss when information is given on the path taken? recover and recycle is the function of accounting, who is going to search?

nations that succumb to terror are nations that feel sidelined not seeing that their will and education of self is the cause, its easy for men to blame others while using kids as a shield, that’s lame tactics of men who use guns instead of sense hence certain tactics were used even if there were casualties, a leader protects the majority against the few who were already counted dead as at the time bezlam and the sege of the opera took place. better to kill your own than war other nations out of frustrations of economic blindness by cultures who themselves are rich in culture but have forgotten their identity to materialistic desires.

better to see me as a man than be deceived by my mind, guys that think with only one side of their brain are about to be tricked.

standards are expectations in technical terms in relation to preparedness the requests falls back on those who set the notion of limitations, train then demand delivery to spec or near metrics set, other than that unexplained standards create the pressures youth cant implement hence anger is the result in most cases when in schools.

pragmatics aren’t easily swayed with words of love more likely to believe in action while not forgetting about emotions that leads the masses. 

career development path had been identified by the financial consultants, if I had followed a business plan set prior before the experience the draft wouldn’t have been as elaborate as it is. Career plans just as business plans existing on the open aren’t accurate when it comes to individual experiences of those who purchase them hence a counselor is needed in career orientations just as a business coach is needed for starting entrepreneurs, in example for a dance piece to be produced a choreographer is needed in same reference to what a coach is.
• Skills test and Interviews
• Management and development
• Agecy support
• Growth support
• Business test
• Business Plan development
• Client scouting
• Growth Support
business testing is similar to the process in software testing, how does the idea proposed assimilated within an environment in similar to the individual handling the interest, how are interest levels identified? The transformation from leads to the individual able to conceptualize it in product promotion and service skill acquisition and implementation. The acquisition part is either in theory or practice better if both in gradual format none restrictive to time. Implementation is in evidence of results be they profitable to other s or not fact is a fact to the beholder, reports on each steps through requests for support is generated through feedback.
Rollout is dependent on investors be it self or in mutual collaboratives and funds as usual with the banking processes.

when a girl says lets make a baby it implies lets create memories rather than shutting himself behind steel doors, doesn’t security careerists mean being secure themselves emotionally before offering security to others? In same reference to the financial systems, if they aren’t aware nor concerned about economics ie market dynamics search then there is a bottle neck within a society in ideas and implementation, monitoring the current within an area.
the day men stop attributing asset profits to material evidence is the day they will be able to safeguard investments from con artists.
people that are territorial cant see varying ways neither can they manage the transitions of growth propositions, in this respect when people come for investments annalists are often responsible for presenting options.
men without principles can't understand the following principles.
1 Publishing on the Internet
2 Social Security Numbers
3 Company Identification Numbers
4 I card
5 Information Security Policy
6 Financial Information Access and Security
7 Business Systems Development
8 Software Copyright Compliance
9 Elimination of Data from Company Computers Prior To Disposal or Transfer 
issues with variation management within a system is due to monopolists hence market shifts are limited, to transition from one economic system into another demands of political leaders to embrace a mindset that is agile and productive hence systems in countries find themselves in those depressive points where revolutions occurs, financial personnel not interested in history cant notice nor make adequate preparations for when its due, to be oblivious of what men, women, children and the elders go through in their private lives is what leads to loosing sight of economic turns and growth. those in security systems that are not knowledge in tech, biology and history aren’t able to make close approximation on profit and loss within an area and that translates to national growth estimation ie plans being a form of blue print with actual indicators. in recycle management nothing is considered a waste why would the financial institutions consider certain businesses valid? Interest levels indicators.
Try catching a girl in the run first check why she ran in relation to what provokes the attitudes youth who have been neglected by ignoramuses results to, for adults not to take responsibility while in leadership positions is to create the chaise we experience in economies. High crime in Benin and kaduna strikes in the north makes a country unviable for hosting and investments, isn't it surprising that during the World Cup in SA there were little crime happening? Everyone was aware of the gain why after that was dropped?

Domestic/International Partners
Business partnering is the concept of working collaboratively with other individuals or companies to achieve mutually beneficial objectives. Examples of business partnering activities include joint selling, account intelligence sharing, contact introduction, reselling, and joint product/production development. and roll out
Business Management
Partner Roles and Responsibilities - choice on what comfort zones aspired towards.
Service Management
1. Partner - Management Consultant - all information provided
2. HR Business Partner - this is usually a coordinating line of activities between talents, equipments and project related resources
3. Project Coordinator - interest based on implementation methods need to be agreed.
Partner role and relation to staff - same to that of the board
ps: this is how partners are informed internally about a business and its founders not sneaking behind my back, in same reference to partner training process.

this is how a financial management web app looks like with forms for reports within a company, can be edited to suit the needs of a business type or project needs.

6 Life Work Planning
• Work Offers & Acceptance
• Success at Work

• Work Search
• Resumes & Letters
• Types of Resumes
• Interviews

• Career Objectives
• Personal Objectives
• Lifelong Learning Learning Plan Chart
• Goal Setting

• Career Trends
• Information Search
• Occupational Research Form
• Information Interviews
• form
• Job Shadowing
• Conducting an Information Interview
• Gaining Experience

Worst tourture for men is to aak questions they don't have answers for or what they hide from, a girl can blab her way with a suggestion regardless of if it is senseless or not it is her thought, prove it If you wish and there you have your facts

In writing autobiographies the knowledge of personality projected from the subject of affections shouldn’t be clouded by sentiments.
Here 2 similar songs by two different stars of all times, one is warm the other is playful in retrospect analytics of impressions. Sinatra is curious always, tony is promotional in affectionate terms, both are actors but different directions chosen. Personal opinion.

In different continents the definition of religious quotes is attributed to the experiences of its people and circumstances when they meet change hence most quotes have 3 layers of purpose, the mind the body and the soul of those who passed through the layers of development, to know only one or 2 is incomplete, as regards those who seek they always find/understand
Where is that mamas boy for a monkey who likes Owo like it goes out of Fassion Uwagboe Odiase all this Benin names self do they know what it means? Brilliant architect wasting away, what were they thought at ekpoma how to chase babes the favourite pastime of boys but no training to care. How do you work with youth with supposed ADd? Here eat the picture while I enjoy the meal, unfortunately apart from egusi and akraw all the rest Nigerian meals don't look presentable but delicious, pleasing grandma at this point, where is iye she has a lousy son whose name is Nosa yet no acumen himself in business management, kto hochet zmeinni supchik? Owo with boiled ripe and green plantain, and gorohovii sup with lamb, garlic bread toast 😜😅👊🏻✍👁👯💃🏻🙌🏿😼💪🐰😱🤒😊🤑🤓😎🙄😡😢😭😴😈💩👽✌🏿️💪👊🏻🙏🏿🖐🏿💅🏻👂🖖🏽🕵👳🏾👧🏽👮🏼🙅🏻👫👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👚👔👢👣🎒🎓🕶👓🐮🙈🐞🐝🦀🦂🐢🐍🐅🐩🐕🐾🐿🌻🌹🐚🕸🌞🌚⛈💦☔️⛄️💧🍏🍉🍌🍋🧀🌶🍰🍺🍸🍴⚽️🏐🏀🏸🎿🕴🏆🏅🎨🎮🎰🚠🚲🚁🚂🚇🚀🚦🎢⛺️🌠🌈🏪🕋🏛🕌⌚️💻💿📽🎙⏳🕯💡💎💣🔨🏺🌡🗝🎈📮📭🗞🏴🔐🔏🔎❤️💘💔♋️♍️♌️♑️🆔☯🈳🆚🈴🆘⚜🔆🏧🛅🚺6️⃣2️⃣9️⃣5️⃣⏫↘️⤵️🔄ℹ️➗➕🔙🔜🔚⬛️🃏♠️🕧🇦🇷🇦🇹🇦🇱🇧🇿🇧🇷🇻🇬🇧🇪🇧🇫🇨🇽🇨🇴🇪🇨🇰🇲🇨🇩🇬🇦🇩🇪🇯🇵🇰🇿🇭🇹🇱🇺🇰🇮🇲🇰🇲🇦🇲🇨🇳🇮🇳🇬🇵🇪🇵🇬🇷🇺🇸🇳🇬🇸🇿🇦🇱🇨🇨🇭🇸🇩🇹🇴🇹🇯🇸🇿🇹🇱🇹🇳🇺🇦🇻🇦🇻🇳🇾🇪🇿🇼🇺🇸🇹🇯

What’s the problem with edo boys that leave to Lagos thinking that’s where the money is when their homelands and schools are left bare, the networking abilities between boys is a mess, no vision to make it better?, are they waiting on government to invite them to show how they wish their homes to flourish?. Enhancing other states and countries at your own detriment.

The amount of mama puts on the way to the universities/colleges is unbelievable, farmers eroding the roads to sell their food, how about retraining them to provide alternative meals for better mental health of the youth, soon asia will be importing plantain because of unorganized transportation and bad roads maintenance, where are your guys uwa?

No interest no attention to details, if personal ambitions don’t meet career direction it is impossible to make men see beyond today, girls have been cultured hence multitasking comes easy, that’s the function of management, when a girl tells a guy she needs space they often don’t understand that everyone has a destiny to fulfill apart from the mundane servitude of boys.

Can you imagine mothers culturing girls just to have the image of being married yet families are in penury? crazy

Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment. Horace
When teachers don’t know how to be silly while working ie telling stories and fables the assimilation of serious matter doesn’t get assimilated, laughter eases the mind while in the process showing perspectives. In same manner movies are structured into scenes while the serious moments are imbibed.
financial projections in budgets always consider miscellaneous expenses same with misdemeanours in character projections.
A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us. John Steinbeck
When a story is told the key words are guides to structuring scenes. The travel is first identified to know the path to filming, the journey are people met, the struggle are decisions taken that leads to the end of a production.
It was the labor movement that helped secure so much of what we take for granted today. The 40-hour work week, the minimum wage, family leave, health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, retirement plans. The cornerstones of the middle-class security all bear the union label. Barack Obama
The usefulness to piece is based on the message it sends in retrospect that’s what supports the promotional messages in trailers. Critics often look at what promotes a situation in their lives or societies, who is able to see the missing link often knows where its directed at or towards what.
In art there is little to be said about creative time, in mainstream labor time is based on levels of demand to execute agreed plans, in tech related fields it’s a blend of creativity and implementation, everyone has different stamina and IQ levels vulnerable to what information is given by those who have low EQ levels. Emotional balance is dependent on interest IQ on will.
• Apartment and House Finder Service
• Literary Agent
• Musical Band Management
• PediCab Service
• Indoor and Outdoor Specialty Advertising
• Fitness Equipment Manufacturing
• Garden Arbors
• Secondhand Clothing Store
• Mini Train Rides
• Roof Trusses
The above mentioned business leads it supports the foundations of healthcare in business networking for students, study them and you will find the missing links within the rural environment.

Dietitian – look at it as taste definitions
Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000 - the start to managing budgets is to place oneself on a budget the miscellaneous leads to what loans or help to seek 
Home Based: Can be operated from home. – look for ways to implement at home if law reps are confronting you with clauses there are tax rebates for those who are working from home simply because financial institutions and governments cant meet to the demands for appropriate infrastructure to support the needs of the few.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time. – this is often chosen based on managing family and career aspirations for mothers at home or disability.
Franchises Available? No – a franchise is an example, break out of it once you have found that a service or a product isn’t fully meeting your financial needs.
Online Operation? No – if there is no IT then all is done in brick and mortar fashion. Online is logistics.
Are you a certified dietitian? There are principles and principalities that are guides, if posed as law yet they aren’t delivering then bone them, pay tax to what government that takes advantage of you instead of meeting to the promises voiced out when on election day. Demand answers if you are questioned for needing to survive in a senseless world of men.
That's the first qualification for starting this business. 
Research, design and presentation of ideas, investors ought to take it from there if there are none then do as you can.
Clues to understanding counseling. What’s healthy for an environment to wake up and smell the roses of life and matter.
Options for OPERATING this sort of health business or health consulting service are almost unlimited. As a certified dietitian, you could simply SUBCONTRACT your services out to numerous businesses such as hospitals, nursing homes, weight loss clinics and fitness centers. The innovative entrepreneur could start up an online dietitian service. Profit potential for diet consulting services is outstanding, and achieving an annual income of $50,000 or more is certainly not out of line. To increase business revenue, aim to develop your own exclusive diet PROGRAMS, BOOKS, VIDEOS AND SOFTWARE, as all of these products can be sold through the company website, as well as to national retailers on a wholesale basis.

1. Making your mark as an innovator

make a mess, destroy things, buy others inventions and record the loopholes as a proposition to earning a share or get a salary. In eventuality that a product purchased doesn’t suit your need and creates problems readdress it as a service or solution to those in same situation as you were.

Love those who hate you hate those who love you in simple terms this would mean don’t get frustrated with the actions of others while leaving yourself open to experiences in getting to know those who have little appreciation for themselves, this is what I call principles of attraction you keep your knowledge of others while no one knows you. Take less decisions about others emotions internalise the frustrations you feel towards what obstacles are placed before you.

Innovation spans from an ideology that generates itself from within i.e you are in need of either affection, or a physical need such as to eat and where to sleep, the rest are comfort based. In reference to bodily satisfaction that is why friends are needed, I am not saying do not attach yourself to anyone but use no body without not giving any affection in return, you are a boy Jordan and by that you will be in need of a female partner in your life this means you aught to know that the other person is in need of their space as you while you can still be in same vicinity as she, this is all for later. In respect to male friends remember that everyone is driven by an ideology of some sort while you formulate yours outside of their life/livelihood, this will test your wits so don’t feel at a loss if others laugh at what they wished they had, usually others make you aware of what they have interest on or what they are most afraid to loose. Don’t loose your head over things or the notion of propriety before anyone, a true friend will say what can we do to bring back what you or we lost and they will do rather than leave after a chat, sometimes a chat is what you may need to get your bearings on what you need to do to solve a problem that maybe of importance to you,  if you are pressured by bills remember that it took you to borrow so you negotiate terms to give back, it is never a loss to loose the comforts that maybe on your way.

Creativity is innovation and creativity has a lifespan based on either overload on work delivery timelines or emotional pressure from the outside environment, hence what you do is you go out to the field and play the games you need in order to relax your senses, meditation by just listening to music or being out in the park.

In constructing your own creative place remember that certain things can be bought and certain things can be self made worse case scenario you can sit on the floor but make sure that the most vital thing that your work or life depends on is taken care of. In balancing the needs/cravings/habits remember that it is all based on emotions while what depends on your wants is work based ie what agreements you enter into you should make it a principle to fulfil, those that don’t fulfil their work obligations are often sued or in bad environments are physically violated by those who aren’t willing to listen, to them its just excuses hence before you borrow think of the amount of activities it would take to fulfil a task.

In task implementation a lot has to do with your body energy span the lower your energy the more negative you look because of pessimism, those that say no are pessimistic or defensive/protecting their territory hence you move away if the answer you hear is no this would mean the realisation that you had approached or were approached by someone who noticed what you were doing that they couldn’t or wouldn’t, there are those who say no because they want you on their side rather than you helping others hence rigorous exercises aren’t necessary but take a run for 5 minutes to lift up your mood, when you don’t want to do anything realise that you are either tired from previous mental work or you maybe depressed. Try not to eat in the morning or before 10-12 noon, and eat less after 6pm, remember you are a night child hence most of your energy and creative ability is at night or at the open doors during the day, personally I hate class environment so get out into the air if you want.

The only thing you risk is with your body physically like your health or your mind by others telling you what to do yet aren’t willing to do it, people are raised to be dependant hence most times you will face those who say they cant so all you do is you move away by continuing to do what you initially planned, most people are depressed because they aren’t implementing their initially stated ideas/resolutions.

In case where you have no example to follow pick a leader usually by reading what they had wrote about themselves while keeping your mind open that not everything said can be done by you, leaders also have others around them that helped them that’s what friends are for.

Remember that you are multicultural so pick up another language like Spanish and a local slang/language of an ethnicity to spice up your dialogue, not necessarily a prerequisite/demand it breeds others interest in you.

Never limit yourself to one locality but keep in mind that jobs that you like aren’t always available where you want to be or where you are. Learn what job descriptions had been generated by industries and formulate a special method of approaching a problem/task. Remember a problem is a task so handle it while those around you with attention ie if they complain it is a leading opportunity for you to learn a new skill.

Planning process is through thinking through what you need to get what you want to achieve. There are different planning methods this depends on what task is before you. In personal life it is your daily routines if some of them are getting in your way drop them, some people get in the habit of their comforts that they loose objectivity of other things that their life partner may need, you will have a girlfriend someday that will look for your attention but you will consider an intrusion into your habits hence to be aware will help you respond in a better way, if you start fighting for your space you may find yourself alone, this may come across as making you subservient but mama wouldn’t be there to bring your girlfriend back, remember Sia who likes to look for your affections so sometimes you play and sometimes you do as you need to do.

Your career will depend most times on you but a career is also family life, I will not be there to cook for you, besides I am about to make your life uncomfortable, my job in your life changes in stages as you grow.

When you are looking for a job or business to do look through the business ideas then compare it to the job descriptions, research all you can find what picks your interest then scout for the cost and propose it either to your employer or to a bank for sponsorship, there are only laws on implementation not a restriction on what you should or agreed to implement. Get to know how those around you express themselves this will help you in making friends and in some cases enemies, people are generally protective so protect yourself as well. Speak to elders then ask them to help you if need be, in my case as a girl asking my mother inlaw for advice only became a problem in same regards asking for help from father in-laws is also a problem if there are envious kids or they have family disputes within. Speak to your parents friends if they are really friends, in all better to do things by yourself.

Most people are hard bent on keeping their habits so except what you have invented compliments by making their life easier they wouldn’t accept it, study your habits and understand why changing from one lifestyle into another is a problem for you, usually cost on an emotional level prevents most from gaining interest towards a solution be it product based or in suggestions on what they should look at or how to act, scary tactics are lame tactics in persuading others into purchasing a product or a service this is the product of the capitalists mentality that often backfires.

In order for people to integrate easily on a business platform there is a need to address this issue of economic stagnation within the youth before they become stale in their approach while as adults.

Before speaking of innovation as business people first to address the basics of economics, census isn’t taken on the level of acumen/interest an environment has towards entrepreneurship, most people have been cultured in industrial ways hence easing them into the understanding of financial process between partners is required ie you borrow you pay, you agree you implement.

What it takes to prevent economic breakdowns – peoples emotional stance affects the choices they make, scare them into an oblivion about life and you will have issues with migrative patterns internally and externally, blasted parents who dream about having their kids fly out of the nest are creating problems for themselves at old age, incapacitated youth, tomorrow they will be saying why their shares aren’t growing to support their own lives. Lack of foresight in new inventions that their own youth are producing is making it harder for them to breathe freely, un-objective competitive streaks between parents towards others kids is another factor to economic growth (product of governance brainwashing of girls in favour of lacadistical fathering of boys they later can not manage). This is mostly addressed to domiciled mothers who have nothing else to do with themselves have created an image through their kids, boy I cant wait for Jordan and Sia to leave the home already have an arranged method of letting them out even at 16, send them somewhere into the bush. Husbands cant fuck their wives because of the kids always mingling in their emotional equilibrium, get a cave for them once a month and shag yourselves to a stupor. Same wives and husbands will be looking for trouble in others families. My son is better or my daughter is better than yours and off your attention span to what is important is flushed away into the toilet.

F (x) = 0
If the functionality of a product has nothing to do with the needs and desires within the locality look for its application externally. Considering that all the factories had been located in china for instance or that’s what everyone would like to believe the issue of unemployment is it shouldn’t be expressed on a global scale, if the people internally have no interest in themselves or about comforts of life then why complain that there are no jobs, by the way you will find people complaining that a job has been given to them most probably because it doesn’t apply to their interest level or inadequate training. X equals location, F equals watchfulness of emotions while testing, interest levels voiced out aren’t necessarily a need for the economy but a pacifier for the general mass. 0 equates to lack of activities or response, prove by probing towards action. Crime rates indicate social issues depending on the gravity or disparity within political systems.

Basic mathematical functions ie place characters within the x then apply it to the emotions seen through analysis, then compare to the generally described functions within industrial standards to derive the opportunities within the loopholes.

State your opinions on a project then find its components outside, collect the cost of implementation, then inform the market to collect the census. Preparedness for entrepreneurship is in active expression and willingness to implement and feedback. Prejudice on what others think about your person should be placed on the second level while an opinion of what you wish to do is the census, this can drive you into insecurity as too much data can prevent you from actually achieving visible results.

Those cultured through the industrial world and have been promoted into being ceo's have little interest in what their subordinates have to offer, this is a technical mentality that needs to be discussed before taking up being your own boss.

"Generation of fresh new ideas" everyone knows how to generate fresh new ideas but nobody uses these techniques was a line I took from a book for business innovation for dummies, now let me make a reverse statement, everybody knows how to look for imperfections in others while leaving themselves to being scrutinised for lack of preparedness to solve the problems they had seen.

For there to be any productivity from any technique there is a need for proper investigation of a character(s) in its natural state, this is required in the service industry then tools can be designed or purchased.

X, Y, Z axis analysis place 2 sexes and project the opinions publicly to generate an extensive perspective on the market then bounce it off between the initially selected persons to reproduce. Generate generic questions to form dialogues then go deeper based on the ideas it triggers in your senses.