Wednesday 13 January 2016

The coach hat kicks in.

Best Penalty Shootout Ever - Brilliant!!
"Business education involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories, and processes of business."

Went to wiki to see the definition of business education and saw the above, in my mind business is experience with life and tools either for production or the use of tools to support their ambitions/endeavours. Personally I separate the word business from education simply because business is an area of focus while education is a method/style of implementation. In education going by the conventional ways we all know is to inform and seldom does it involve practice as the world of business is entangled in processes specifically to financing hurdles business people go through. To inform students about the financing systems requirements often puts a majority thinking that they wouldn't achieve their goals through in the time frame that they wish. Business is a life long journey where only the patient win.

Education methods differ. Mine is to evoke interest then I don't need to apply any form of psyche to getting a kid or student to understand what the demands are by simply managing the emotional setbacks they may and often will experience while exploring and navigating the business world they are in; here the coach hat kicks in. As an instructor I am employed to know what people management is and research given that today most tech information is available widely, as regards the nitigrities in specific to  professions short courses as well as direct consult or support from a professional in an industry covers the needed informative demands.

So in strategy in setting up a business school the core staff of an institution is made of administrators "Life Counselors and coaches,   business consultants and a support of industry tech specialists. And they best be all wired in a weird way brain wise :), the crazier the better, suits don't fool anyone this days. It's time to forget about looking pristine in a roughed world where survival of the fittest has nothing to do with suits.

Was going through the the clauses on the law on divorce in Nigeria and in there nothing is mentioned about the emotional side to why certain marriages are irreversible, does the law consider a simple fact that disgust is a crucial reason why most women wouldn't even consider living in separate bedrooms let alone in one bed?

In all I see that the governments inability to create economic balance for women and men to be able to sustain the duties that comes with marriage fuels the squabbles, where women/mothers are turned to harlots by a society that condemns and victimises women who file for divorce.

I guess it is politically incorrect for the law to consider disgust as basis for divorce but if liking a person was the start of a relationship turning into a marriage why then no consideration for dislike to be the basis for termination? There is a very thin line between love and hate, who are the parties that bring prejudice after the seal is signed?

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