Tuesday 28 October 2014

A stealth mindset!

A machine can't do what the human mind can or should! It lacks sensitivity that is most needed in times of crises! It may be programmed to store data but the production and assessment of it is left to the human mind in combination with the heart "intuition"! Technology is also limited by the level of available tools inbuilt! A chisel still needs a hammer to carve the wood!

A stealth mindset is required to manage people. A stealth mindset is developed in people who have had to experience situations of high risk or pressure! This is why kids who have hassled on the streets rather than only read text books become employers! A lot in the business world revolves around risk not necessarily in terms of danger but preventing by foreseeing possible events that could lead or should be taken to forge ahead!

I had performed what one calls "strategic elicitation exercise", in which I pushed people on my social network into conversations from a variety of topics regardless of how simple or obscene it may have looked at at the time and in conjunction with my experience to produce analysis of a given environment.

My tactic was to make myself a dartboard in order to understand the social issues within and outside my group. This way I played the good and the bad cop at the same time. I wasn't really interested in what was going on in their lives but more how they would react by responding to a  perception of me and them! Now I am asking myself what are the Marketers and PR students doing sitting in the classroom when they are supposed to be field workers!

Friday 10 October 2014

Directing the future!

Why is it hard for a young person who just graduated/undergraduate to win an interview for a big position in Africa as against when I see kids of 25 heading management positions in developed countries? The key to management is innovation and directorship. I doubt that the old heads are capable of seeing the new in the old because sorry to say we all get stuck in the comfort of the past and glory is sought in conjuring new heights. Heading directorial positions isn't management. Directing the future is different from managing the present. After all if market opportunities are based on trends who's best to channel it?