Tuesday 24 July 2012

ROBIN HOOD the Entrepreneur!

Let me use the concept of the archery and the story of Robbin Hood to explain the problems of
StartUps not being able to lunch off and make the money that they want in a space of time that they need! The 3 things that are not usually defined at start are.

•   The Target "Area!"
•   The Bow! "Platform or Tools"
•   And the Arrow! "Your Skills"

The Spectators either cheer you on or distract you from using everything that you have in the 3points mentioned above! You have to be Robin Hood, you must have a talent or a calling and a history of being called the crook :) because he takes from the Rich to give the needy!  

In order to win the battle of growth and progress he needs to meet and often this happens by mistake usually a team of "outlaws (those who are considered law breakers in the eyes of those who want to keep their stand)"! Win their respect through doing something that no one can, be willing to teach them tricks and make them into a team. In business this represents the combination of all suppliers and partners and staff skill base or support products that achieves a particular aim! If you don't have people who see or wish to support the same goals even if they are achieving it from a particular Vantage point, then you will stumble on deception and wissle blowers!  

You need to be strong enough to stand your ground even if everyone doubts your abilities! Leader! All together investigate the rout that the money holders take and set traps to get the funds! The target is the money needed as well as the market base who want what you are offering! Often you will have to spread money to buy loyalties ie "freebies" so you can hide in their houses when the tax taker is after your ass with a reward on your neck! In business your business structure helps you get there! If you give to charity you can claim back in taxes! That's where NGO's get funding from! 

Everyone wants to hit the bulls eye "market leadership"! But the bulls eye is made of different areas, the Inner circle which should represent the coming together of all things, that produces the money, and the market leadership! 

So what's the price of the inner circle is the investments you would need ie "How do you stretch your Bow and how steady you hold your arrow" not forgetting that you need to weigh the strength of the wind that may affect you reaching the target! 

Of course everyone will try drawing a line for you "competitors" from where you should shoot from" but then you are also restrained by the market who dosnt want to give you their hard earned money for a service they don't understand! 

What stops you from coming close to the target area and shoot at close range? Well other competitors are shooting at the same time you don't want to end up with arrows on your back! So to win you must aim from far and to do that your weapon must be the strongest ie "strategy & tactics" 

How easy is it to hit the bulls eye when you are first blind, havnt developed a unique skill that no one can copy as well as are stubborn enough to stand the winds your competitors and spectators blow to distract you all in the quest to succeed at having a shot for what looks like the sound of opportunity!

Business isn't for small kids who run because they get a smack! You should be strong enough to move even if your legs are broken! The war can still be won even if you are the last man crawling!

Regards Alsu E. Odemwingie CEO StartUpSity PTY (LTD)

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Every track needs adjustment of angles to Move at an anticipated pace. Have you ever wondered why roads are never straight? THE DRIVER IS likely to sleep off on the way because there is no
challenge, problems keep you awake! If you are expecting life to give you a break it will hit you harder.

Obstacles gives you an opportunity to show off. First timers always make mistakes and mistakes are not deadly accidents.  Most of the time the deadliest driver is the one who is afraid, he is distracted and that causes him not to use his intuition. That's why its important to go through the track once to gage your strengths.

Don't do things alone spread the risks, you will not be able to jug stuff alone!

The winner!

The winner of the long race  where as creativity is concerned is not the person with the best IDEA, but the person who finishes first. The world is littered with abandoned works and too-late arrivals. So knuckle down! Get on with it and never, ever give up twicking as you go along!

A dream must have a purpose. A dream with out a purpose its like a bulb unplugged. A purpose develops through examining the drives of emotions "motion" as that is the only catalist of energy.

If your dream has no energy how will it propel? Its What fuels your rocket!
Every time I heard, saw something and I reacted negative or positive I asked what is the source of my emotions. What brought me joy, sadness, adrenalin rush! It's the same for every one.

A strategy without a purpose is like a sniper without a gun! 
STRATEGY DIRECTION; diversify—and never miss an angle.’— Walt Disney. 

How can you anticipate what challenges will come your way, if u don't have angles? How? Ask people for their opinions! More likely they will look like they are trashing your idea. That trashing is your alignment! What do u think will happen if 1 or all wheels of a car are not aligned? All wheels going in different direction creates wear and tear! Have options and decide at what point to use what. Appreciate others oppinions and see how you can takle them! 

Usually when someone prises your idea they are not adding to your idea they are only confirming what you said or did. That's why there is so much criticism- its an alignment. The only thing that is hard to deal with is if it comes with an attitude.

No! Look inside you!

Plan" Find what is around you? No! Look inside you! There is a silent voice screaming inside of you! let it out!

‘I long to set foot where no man has trod before.’— Charles Darwin

Everyone wants to be recognised! a business isnt the place for that! ego, emotions isnt a place, but passion is the mother of vision!

Do you see? Can you project? How do you see? A plan is a vantage point to a problem! Your approach reveals your personality! Only problems stimulate vision!

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY PEOPLE DONT AGREE?  Thats cos everyone has his own vantage point! Everyone has their own way of solving issues! 

When you are starting something new your planning involves discovering and documenting. Ie it is important for you to have writing and reading skills, and not just on a basic level but also on a higher level of understanding the words "WRITING / READING".

READING in this case means having an inquisitive eye as well as basic reading of books to collect historical data. Reading means you should be able to process data using logic. Having a deductive mind! SMART THINKING. Understanding of characters as a form of symbolising.

Learning through "observation or exploration" feeding your mind with existing Ideas from others, or solving a problem, or puzzle. One simple question would be to ask "what do people dream about?" " or listen to what people say" and be able to make sénce of it. Your level of experience means a lot so you must go out there to feel and touch, understanding of realities of the MIND, SOUL, BODY.
WRITTING in this case means Communication! How will you communicate what you have seen heard or physically touched? There are different methods of communication so it's not just being able to spell words it's also how and where best to use them. Understanding of realities of how the MIND, SOUL, BODY communicates or receives information.

“Is truth and knowledge to be found within us (rationalism) or is it to be found outside of ourselves by using our senses (empiricism)?” Plato, as a rationalist, developed the belief that knowledge and truth can be discovered by self-reflection. Aristotle, the empiricist, used his senses to look for truth and knowledge in the world outside of him.

Some people don't need to go into the conventional institutions to learn, they mainly observe and make conclusions, test them and see what works! You could be one of them.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

What do you dream about?

One simple question would be to ask "what do you dream about?"In today's reality when you are talking to people you hear one answer " I have no time to Dream, I have to pay bills".
Let me ask you " don't those things that you are pursuing to possess on the shelf don't they represent someone's dream you are paying for? Why can't you invent something that would meet someone else's need/dream to come through so that you can make your dream come true?

The main skill to acquire as an entrepreneur is Attitude! Attitude creates your vision towards success and implementation! Business men and women who have the wrong attitude seldom bring good towards the market and attract the backlash! Bad seeds sown never yield good results!