Saturday 29 September 2012



When sending your application for employment it should sound like a proposal!
Employers don't have time to decipher how your qualification fits his business, remember you are looking for a job, he has the time to select from the best!

Show knowledge that you have researched the company! A CV that is sent to a company that you know nothing about shows you don't care who you work for! Self care reflects in the environment you wish to align with. Every business has a culture!

Statistics show that staff leave companies not because they are paid bad but because they couldn't fit in with colleagues and mode of management!

Point3: The info you got of the company you must align to your qualification and
experience. Ie show projections of how your strengths align with the business mission and vision.

Note: You must try and understand basics in business management and structure in addition to your technical expertise!

What this means is that you need to get every industry or business specific information, look at what skills you have and show how you fit into the organisation! The question is what can you bring to the employer in exchange for your personal security "salary and career growth"?

Example: if I want to work in a gifts an events company having psychology degree, I need to show how psychology works for the business type! How my skills complement the vision and mission of the company. This will show exactly how u think or your proposition to the company of how you fit in!

Point4: detect your weaknesses to outline your threats and show the steps to bridge the gap.

This shows where you think you would need training show analysis of what you think are the business threats in relation to the industry current and growth status!

Point5: make sure you outline your hobbies, that would go along way in showing what other creative skills the company can utilise for in house needs! If u have a voice and play instrument, u can offer to create the company jingle for a radio add! Also it evaluates your intelligence, those who play football have natural discipline, and a knack for strategic thinking! As well as hobbies indicate your social skills! Your hobbies have the potential for actually giving you a better post than the one you may have applied for based on qualification!

Point6: In order to get that pass into being accepted offer the employer a free one month internship, where you can prove what you have presented on the Application! Every company has a probation term of 3 months where they decide to take you on full term , where the employer can see how you can
convert your theoretical information into practical knowledge, to prove merit.

Point 7: Remember potential employers use facebook for background check! Now what you communicate on you fbwall will indicate to him what you are all about when you think no one sees you! That is actually where the boss makes his emotional decision, to trust or not to trust you!

Facebook is your social image! Now facebook allows people to really brand themselves and communicate what you are all about! Be creative and innovative! FB isn't really for crap, but good articulation of your thoughts! Even if you have, grievance to express address it with style! social etiquette is what qualifies one to be accepted. Qualification may open the door.

Life is competition, employers are demanding excellence!

These are my standards as an employer! My business isn't a playground, and so it is for the entrepreneur who spends their last dime in creating an opportunity for theirs and your Personal and Career growth! You must remember the business is a dream and u must respect the owners right to demand that he gets the best to achieve the best!

Alsu E. Odemwingie
Founder StartUpSity.